Exemption for nationals of 103 countries from entry visas to the Sultanate of Oman for 10 days


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The Sultanate of Oman Police announced that nationals of 103 countries will be exempt from entry visas to the Sultanate for a period of 10 days, in accordance with the specified controls and conditions, including the presence of a prior and confirmed hotel reservation, insurance doctor and a return travel ticket, in support of the tourism movement and to facilitate tourists wishing to visit the Sultanate.

The Sultanate, represented by the Omani Police, the Ministry of Health, the Public Authority for Civil Defense and Ambulances, the Civil Aviation Authority and the Environment Agency, participated in the meeting of the Cooperation Council of the Arab States Center of the Gulf for Emergency Case Management, which was carried out using visual communication technology during the period of December 7 to 9, 2020.

The meeting addressed aspects of joint cooperation between the GCC states to develop solutions and mechanisms to face regional risks.

Oman’s Foreign Minister Badr Al-Busaidi said last Saturday that the Sultanate intends to amend labor laws, impose new taxes, and end some long-term subsidies while ensuring the protection of families. low-income, according to the Reuters news agency.

He added at the time that major changes to employment policy would include canceling the requirement that expatriate workers obtain permission to move to a new employer, known as the certificate of no objection system.

With the first initiatives to deal with economic pressures from Corona, the Sultanate approved plans to replace foreign workers with Omani citizens in state-owned companies.

These plans include a program to assign citizens to leadership positions, with the Oman Investment Authority and the heads of government-run companies.
