Exchanging “scientific” information with Israel … The Meteorological Authority is a door to normalization!


Leah Al-Kazzi wrote in Al-Akhbar: As part of its membership in the World Meteorological Organization, the Meteorological Department at Rafic Hariri International Airport is trying to obtain approval from the Lebanese state on an agreement based on the exchange of scientific information and the establishment of an early warning system of natural factors among the countries of Southeast Europe and among them is Israel. The exchange, if it happened, would be a form of normalization with the enemy, especially since the agreement was signed in Tel Aviv..

International organizations are geopolitical “products” that are controlled by influential states and move in a way that serves their strategic interests, in contrast to what are marketed as groupings that “protect” the rights of all their members. A quick search of who finances these organizations and who defines their strategies and agenda allows one to determine the political influence in their work. Therefore, addressing decisions that are innocently described as “internationalism” is naive. Lebanon has a long history with these decisions, reflecting US influence in the region and the map of its alliances over the years. And because the “concern” of the United States of America in the Middle East is “to protect the security of Israel”, it becomes a duty to be wary of any “international trap”. This does not mean leaving international organizations and isolating Lebanon from itself, but rather maintaining a permanent chair in all its branches to benefit from it, but at the same time not using “international cooperation” as a scaffold for any “normalization” not. intentional or unintentional..

On November 5, 2019, a meeting was held in “Tel Aviv” for a policy forum for the exchange of hydrological and meteorological data, information, forecasts and guidance, within the framework of the multi-hazard early warning system in Southeast Europe . (VER-MHEWS-A), And the World Meteorological Organization participated in it (OMM) As a “member” and not as an “organizer”. The countries included in the forum are: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Hungary, Zionist Entity, Jordan, Lebanon, Montenegro, Moldova, Macedonia, Romania, Slovenia, Turkey and Ukraine. Lebanon did not participate in the meeting, nor did it sign the agreement that emerged from it, despite its inclusion on behalf of the head of the Meteorological Department of “Rafic Hariri International Airport”, Mark Wahiba. The agreement aims, as indicated in its text, to develop a “technical advisory system … and improve meteorological, hydrological and marine forecasts, by strengthening the information and communications technology infrastructure and the supply of and data exchange “. The signatories to the agreement will also exchange information “so that they can better respond to climate-related natural hazards.” The agreement is supposed to also include “coordination of data measurement methods, monitoring units, transmission forms and metadata».

Article 1 of the “Israel Boycott Law” establishes: “It is prohibited for any natural or legal person to sign an agreement, personally or through an intermediary, with organizations or persons residing in Israel or belonging to it by their nationality or that they work for him or for his benefit, as long as the object of the agreement is a deal. Commercial or financial operations or any other transaction of any nature. Despite the clarity of the legal text, it was surprising that Mark corresponded with the prestige of the national interest of the Litani River, requesting information and data to share with the international organization. The “authority” refused and the day before yesterday notified the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers and General Security. In its two books, the Litani Administration explained that ” the data it collects, which is updated annually, is the only source of hydrological information for all research centers and the public sector. ” In this context, “the authority received an informal request from the head of the meteorological department that included an invitation to attend a remote meeting at the policy forum for the exchange of hydrological and meteorological data, forecasts and hydrological guidance, which the authority rejected due to the lack of official invitation and the uncertainty that this forum is part of the activities of the organization. World Weather ». After a while, Wahiba requested “information and data on hydrometric measurements in Lebanese rivers and Lebanese surface waters.” According to the Litani Authority, “the head of the Department of Meteorology indicated that he had sent a letter to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates to request information from the public sector, without our having seen it.” Regarding the book directed by the “authority” to the Secretary General of the Council of Ministers, Magistrate Mahmoud Makiya, it is requested “the issuance of a circular that regulates the participation of the public sector in conferences, workshops and meetings, defining the bases for representation of the Lebanese Republic and linking it with the approval of the Council of Ministers or the Prime Minister, and include the control and exchange of assets “And share information and data related to Lebanese wealth and statistical studies with these authorities, and then the circular it included the provisions of the law issued on June 23, 1955 (boycotting “Israel”). The point at which Litani’s interest stops is that the information required is “related to the national and strategic security of Lebanon”, and the establishment of an early warning system “means equipping Lebanese rivers with sensors for measuring water that allow the transfer of the level, height, speed and drainage of rivers, and any changes in them, to local and foreign authorities.».

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Source: News
