Events in Kentucky. Two policemen were injured and the authorities call for an end to the protests.


Kentucky police have called on protesters to end protests that erupted after a lenient sentence was handed down against a police officer who shot Briona Tyler, of African descent, more than six months ago.

Police called on protesters to stop the protests after they turned violent, and asked them to leave the streets, according to the “Sky News Arabia” Washington correspondent.

Authorities in Louisville, Kentucky, announced that two policemen were shot during the demonstration condemning the verdict against a policeman who shot Tyler.

Tyler was killed when police raided her home during an operation against drug dealers in Louisville, during which police officers fired shots in the dark, killing the 26-year-old woman, who worked in health emergencies.

Local sources reported that the National Guard and Federal Police forces arrived in Louisville, where the curfew was announced.

In other cities, including Chicago and Washington, DC, hundreds of protesters took to the streets to denounce the ruling, which does not hold police officer Brett Hankisen responsible for Tyler’s murder.

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden walked into the Kentucky event line, commenting and saying, “Violence can never be the solution, and those who fired the bullets must be held accountable.”

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