Even the stamps in Lebanon are in crisis! Phalanges


Amal Khalil wrote in the newspaper:

In three days, two events related to the seals were recorded, which may contradict the form, but revolve in the whirlwind of the Lebanese administration style. Yesterday, the Ministry of Finance announced the postponement of the resolution of purchase offers that force the presentation of financial stamps to the Ministry, which was scheduled for yesterday, until May 19. The postponement based on the decision of the Director General of the Tender Administration, Jan Al-Aliya, is the second after the postponement of the first of March 16, who decided at that time to postpone “to ensure protection requirements”, as stated indicates in the statement of the administration. It was not surprising that the second postponement. According to the sources accompanying the archive, the attic is still reserving a series of articles mentioned in the conditions book established by the ministry, the most prominent of which is the refusal to adopt the “gravure” technique in printing. “The experiment did not indicate that there was a major flaw in the previously approved technologies, so the bidding department found no reason to introduce high-cost technologies,” according to the sources. The reservation of the attic is offset by the refusal of the Press Owners Union, which stated in previous stations that the condition book “was detailed to prevent Lebanese companies from competing because they did not have this technology.”
But postponing unsubscribe will not extend the crisis of near-total disruption of market seals and official circles and brothels that started about four months ago. In light of the deadlock in the tender line, it was notable last Monday that the Ministry had delivered 50 million stamps to regional financial departments in the provinces. What happened? A source from the financial department of one of the provinces explained that the ministry, and in the absence of an agreement on the terms of the tender, last year launched a mutually agreed contract with one of the printers to print part of the market’s need (8 million stamps) for an amount of 50 thousand dollars. But that house printed stamps that the ministry, which requested to change it, did not like. The house decided to import equipment from abroad to increase the level of printing, but its arrival was hampered by the outbreak of the events of October 17 and then by the spread of the Corona epidemic. But to secure some of the market’s need, “with the knowledge and approval of the finance ministry, the house printed 50 million stamps on a printing house owned by another house,” the source said.

But the sudden pumping of stamps has still not resolved the crisis, although four days have passed. Villages “mayors” far from the capital assured Al-Akhbar that financial services in the regions did not deliver the stamps to the mukhtars until last night, and promised to deliver them early next week.

Seal the crisis on the way to solution. What happens to the almost complete interruption of the documents in which the family registry is planned? The number of roles in the circles of souls in various provinces has been exhausted. A new tender had been scheduled to demand that a company be printed, which had not yet happened.
The General Director of Personal State, Elias El-Khoury, issued about a month ago a memorandum on the mechanism of work in the data of family restrictions, in light of “the inability to walk in the archive to compel the protection of data from individual and family restrictions due to prevailing exceptional circumstances, and given the lack of necessary amounts of family restrictions data in store at this address. ” The priest asked the heads of the departments of souls in the provinces “not to issue family restriction data except by necessity, and to replace them by certifying the restriction data or a photocopy of them issued on an earlier date, in the event that there are no amendments, which are in the possession of the interested parties, And that a Although the data of the new family restrictions are assured, and with respect to the administrative transactions referred to and from this General Directorate, it is sufficient to certify the family registration data attached to the transactions in the case of their existence with the phrase “there has been no modification” ».

Source: News
