European Union experts confirm the efficacy of vaccines against the new Corona strain


Following the appearance of a new strain of the Corona virus in Great Britain and the suspension of several trips to European countries with this country, experts from the European Union confirm that current vaccines for “Covid-19” are also effective in combating the new strain of the epidemic.

  •     The new corona strain has no effect on current vaccines
    European Union Experts: New Corona Strain Has No Effect on Current Vaccines

The German government announced on Sunday night that European Union experts concluded that current anti-Coronavirus vaccines are effective in combating the new strain of “Covid-19”, which was detected, especially in Britain.

German Health Minister Jens Spahn, whose country currently holds the rotating presidency of the European Union, told the public television channel ZDF that “based on everything we know so far, and after the meetings that took place between experts From the European authorities, the new strain has no effect on vaccines. That is still effective. “

Span added that “that would be very good news,” referring to the “Pfizer-Bionic” vaccine that has been used by several countries around the world, and is expected to soon obtain approval from the European Medicines Agency.

In turn, a spokesman for the German Ministry of Health confirmed that a meeting of European Union experts on the subject took place on Sunday, in which representatives of the German Department of Health Surveillance participated.

Germany, as rotating president of the European Union, called a crisis meeting of experts representing several countries on Monday, with the aim of “coordinating their response to this new danger,” according to a spokesman for the Ministry of Health.

The meeting is part of what is known as the “European Crisis Mechanism”, which the Union uses to deal with health, environmental or even terrorist threats.

Following the emergence of the new strain of the virus in Britain, several European countries suspended flights with Britain, while London announced stricter closures in some areas of the country.

Several cases of the new Corona strain were also reported in Denmark, and one in both the Netherlands and Australia, according to the World Health Organization.

For its part, the World Health Organization called on European countries to “strengthen their restrictions with the appearance of a new strain of Corona in Great Britain.” He said he is following the developments that began to spread in Britain, and is studying the consequences that may cause them.

Surprisingly, Great Britain was the first country in the West to initiate vaccination with the “Pfizer-Bionic” vaccine against the Corona epidemic.
