Europe partially facilitates closure … and infection rate increases in Germany


Today, several European countries began a new phase to ease the restrictions imposed to curb the spread of the “Corona” virus, spearheaded by France, Spain and Germany, although the latter is witnessing a notable increase in the number of new infections.

With the return of commercial activity to stores and the partial lifting of restrictions on restaurants and sports activities in much of Germany, the Robert Koch Institute for Infectious Diseases noted that the prevalence of infection today increased to 1.13 instead of 1.1 yesterday and 0.83 last Friday; A ratio of more than 1 means that the number of new infections increases dramatically.
The rate increase occurred in conjunction with local media detecting the outbreak of the “Corona” virus at a meat packing company in Bochum, after cases were reported at similar companies in the states of North Rhine-Westphalia. and Schleswig-Holstein, prompting authorities to conduct tests elsewhere.
The scrutiny included the workers’ housing, and it was discovered that the housing did not meet any health standard; Local media reported that the majority of workers at one of the affected companies were immigrants from Eastern Europe, and they stayed in crowded, common dwellings.
This prompted German Chancellor Angela Merkel to urge citizens to take precautions after protests against restrictions imposed to limit the spread of the infection.
German news agency DPA cited sources who participated in a video conference for the leadership of the Christian Democratic Party said that Merkel said she had seen reports that many citizens went shopping this week without wearing masks, saying it was a bold act. , adding that the rules have yet to be followed. Applicable social distance.
The Deutsche Welle website quoted the German newspaper “Bild” as saying that Merkel said today: “We are in a new stage of spreading the epidemic … and with all mitigation measures, we must ensure that people adhere to basic safety rules. What it means here is social separation. ” Wear masks and be aware of each other. This is very important “.
Merkel said that in two to three weeks, it will be clear how the easing of measures taken last week will affect the number of injuries.
In parallel, Berlin approved a € 750 million program to produce and develop anti-virus vaccines. Some 500 million euros will be allocated to expand the study capacity of vaccine tests in Germany, while 250 million euros will be allocated to expand production capacity.

Half of the Spanish are out of the ban.
In Spain, cafes partially returned to work, with approximately half of the country’s 47 million people moving to what is called the “first stage” of a four-stage deregulation plan, today, after the Government decided that the areas in which they reside Achieved the necessary standards.
But restrictions have not changed in cities like Madrid and Barcelona, ​​which were badly affected by the outbreak, and cafes remained closed in the Puerta del Sol square in the capital, which was generally crowded with pedestrians.
The liturgy was resumed in the churches, but in the presence of a limited number and the seats were separated to keep two meters between each individual. Under the relief of the restrictions, ten people were able to gather in one place, and residents were able to freely roam their neighborhoods.
In regions that have implemented flexibilization restrictions, especially in Andalusia, which is the most populous region in Spain, work has been allowed to resume in bars, restaurants, shops, museums, gyms and hotels, but with limited capacity.

France comes back to life
In addition, France began its steps toward a return to normalcy after one of the tightest closings in Europe on Monday, as it allowed the reopening of stores selling unnecessary products, factories and other companies for the first time in eight weeks at a time. where the risk of a second wave of injury is looming.
France is reopening schools in stages, and its 67 million residents can now leave their homes without government permits, though documents are still needed to get around Paris in the rush hour. Theaters, restaurants, bars and beaches will be closed until June at the earliest.
Traffic flowed along the Champs Elysées in central Paris, where workers cleaned store fronts before opening their doors for the first time in eight weeks.
The La Defense business district in the capital was largely deserted as many money-earning workers continued to work from home. Passengers promised to wear masks on buses and subways in Paris.
Factories can be reopened as long as they comply with safety standards, which means that some factories will not be operating at full capacity. People can leave without government permission, except for transfers of more than 100 km, which are only allowed for professional reasons, for funerals or for patient care.

Cheaper alcohol and tobacco
Local media reported that the French stood in long line this morning in the town of Le Perthos, on the Franco-Spanish border, where people took advantage of the French side to ease restrictions on buying tobacco and alcohol at cheaper prices in Spain.
Due to its location, the Spanish side of the town has long been known to offer cigarettes and alcoholic beverages at low prices, attracting buyers from France.
Images taken today from the town indicated that guidelines for social separation were not observed, prompting the local government to issue a warning.
