Europe and America made a series of fatal mistakes in the early stages of Corona!


Last Updated: March 25, 2021 03:07 PM

American billionaire Bill Gates considered that Europe and the United States made a series of fatal mistakes in the early stages of the Corona virus pandemic.

In an interview with the newspaper “Wipporga” and the television channel “TVN”, Gates said: “The worst thing is that people like me warned and said:” There is a certain risk. For a small price, you can prepare yourself and avoid the problem. “.” Unfortunately, these recommended investments have not been implemented. These include recommendations on how to be able to diagnose patients as soon as possible. “PCR technology allows for very accurate testing, and if enough people had been tested early in the epidemic and those who tested positive were isolated, then that rising indicator that led to this widespread lockdown could have been avoided.” .

He went on to explain his diagnosis of the situation saying that “many countries like Australia, South Korea and New Zealand have done very well. Unfortunately, most of Europe, South America and the United States did not, and we paid a high price for it. “

Gates expressed his certainty that an early investment could have saved the situation, noting that “we have to invest in advance, it will not cost much.” Even when the epidemic hits, we still have a chance if world leaders have prepared for this in advance, or at least turn to the right scientists who might say: Follow the fundamental controls and seek isolation! Then countries will be able to cope better.

The American billionaire concluded that “there are a number of lessons to be learned and I think we will invest in that to avoid a repeat of this situation. A large part of this investment is tools to improve health not only during a pandemic, but also so that we can eliminate a wide range of diseases such as influenza, malaria, polio and many more. “

On the other hand, Reuters quoted Gates as saying in an interview with a Polish newspaper that this can be achieved thanks to vaccines against the emerging corona virus, which has become a global pandemic (pandemic).

The agency noted that the American billionaire said: “The Corona pandemic is a tragedy beyond our imagination, and the only good news was that we got vaccinated.”

Bill Gates said: “We must return to normal life completely by 2022.”
