Episode 7 of the series “The End”: Zain breaks the laws and the robot is close to facing Mones


Muhammad Sultan Mahmood In the News, Movies and TV, Ramadan 2020

Publication date: Friday May 1, 2020 – 1: 4

Youssef El-Sherif’s “The End” series events, shown exclusively through ON channels, will continue. Below, we review the highlights of the seventh episode:

– Murad Al-Mahrouqi returns to his gang headquarters after the arrest of his men and security men confiscating the loot he owned, and begins to establish a new gang with the help of 2 others who remain in the gang, and decides recruiting homeless people on the streets to work for him in exchange for housing, food and drink.

– Murad Al-Mahrooqi meets with engineer Ghafran and it becomes clear that he is his hidden partner in the gang, asking him for his part in the stolen energy device deal, and threatening to disable his industrial heart if he does not obtain the details of the He invented Zain and gave it to him, and Murad requested a deadline to implement his plan.

– Murad begins to implement his plan to kidnap Zain again, and asks Shadia to keep an eye on Radwa while she is in the company all the time, and negotiates with her exposing her kidnapping of Ibn Dharra if she does not cooperate with him.

– Zain Al-Mali confronts Radwa’s anger with his amusing spontaneity evoking his wife’s confusion, and receives a summons to appear before the company’s board of directors the next morning, raising Radwa’s ridicule, wishing him a bad day, but your mind is busy counting down to the date of your meeting in the morning at four in the morning. The next

Sabah goes to Aziz’s store and informs him of the discovery of the theft of Zain’s knowledge file from the company’s file, and confirms that he keeps a copy of the file, but the problem is if Zain falls into the hands of officials from the company to get a new copy of his knowledge, because he recorded everything that happened between them and asked him The engineer, Zina, brings her friend who stole the file to explain her plan to save it again.

Rabea receives a call from Ing. Ghofran telling him that he wants to obtain a new copy of Zain’s conscience that will be transferred the next morning, and promises to reward him when he receives the invention.

– Aziz explains his plan for Sabah and Zinah and explains how he will disable the company’s surveillance cameras with the help of Saadeh, until he enters the archive and puts a copy of the conscience file in its place and then gets rid of the archive of the surveillance camera the day the robbery was committed, and in fact all the steps are implemented but the surveillance camera file is thrown in the trash without you noticing that Rabei is looking at her.

– The company’s management discovers the return of Zain’s conscience file, before one of the employees realizes that what exists is a copy and not an original, and enters a spring with the file of the camera of surveillance to report the theft of Zain’s conscience file, and he is arrested.

Sabah falls into the hands of the security men after revealing her cooperation with Zina, but remains concerned about her date with Zain.

Mounes asks the Energy Company official to bring him a new, unaltered copy of Zain’s conscience, and he knows from the employees that it takes at least a week to obtain Zain’s conscience and upload it to the systems of the company.

– Zain talks to Shaker, director of the power plant in the oasis, about the storage locations of the CE units he makes, but he refuses to disclose it to the site and advises him not to look for unauthorized information and just focus on your work.

– Zain alludes to a person who looks like the knight of his former neighbor and remembers the old man’s talk about his missing son, goes after him, but Salima stands in his way and asks him about his fate, and after noticing his lie, it warns him not to try to break the ties of the oasis so that he does not fall prey to the “co-energetic” spies who will not withdraw from destruction. Her project

– Zain feels bored in his room and remembers the statement that the restaurant waiter gave him to go to an unknown place, and he shows the location data on the screen and finds a nightclub organizing contests winning millions, and Zain goes to the place that violates his security permit, not realizing that Salima is looking at him at the entrance of the central building. .

The series is written by Amr Samir Atef, directed by Yasser Sami, produced by Synergy-Tamer Morsi and co-starring with a number of artists, including: Youssef El Sharif, Amr Abdel Jalil, Iyad Nassar, Nahed El Sebaei, Ahmed Wafik, Sawsan Badr, Mohamed Lotfy, Mah, on behalf of Mahmm Al-Laithi, Sahr Al-Sayegh and Yasmin Ali.

Also read:
The dates of the series “The End” by Youssef El Sharif on the ON channel

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