“Encouraging Statements” to the World Health Organization on Corona


After a series of forceful statements that could cause concern in recent weeks, in particular that the Corona virus will not end the world quickly, the World Health Organization issued statements that can be considered “encouraging” in the context of the battle to control the deadly epidemic, which he described as “the enemy of humanity”. “

And on Sunday, the chief emergency expert at the World Health Organization stated that parts of the world had begun to emerge from the Covid-19 pandemic and cautiously began to resume normalcy.

According to Reuters statistics as of Sunday, more than 3.44 million people have been infected with the virus worldwide, while the number of deaths from it reached 243,015 cases.

Some countries are still at the center of the storm, but others are beginning to show that the disease can be contained in some way, said Mike Ryan, executive director of the WHO emergency program.

Ryan said in an interview with “Reuters” on the Internet from Geneva “in this regard, there is hope,” “but he returned and confirmed that the new Corona virus will continue to pose a great danger,” until a vaccine against it is found.

“Globally, the situation is still very dangerous, but the pattern of disease and the course of the virus are very different in different parts of the world now,” he added.

He said: “What we are learning is that it is possible to control this disease, and it is possible to begin to resume normal economic and social life, in a new way, with great caution and extreme vigilance.”

However, Ryan said some countries in Africa and Central and South America are still experiencing an “upward trajectory of cases,” and while these countries do not appear to be in big trouble so far, test availability remains a problem. .

Cases have been recorded in more than 210 countries and regions, since the first cases were diagnosed in China in December.

Ryan said: “Some countries, including China, South Korea, New Zealand and others, have reached what he described as a” stable situation “regarding the Covid-19 outbreak.

He continued, “Europe and North America are beginning to emerge from a” severe outbreak “of the disease and are now trying to find a safe way out of the restrictions on economic and social activities that they imposed in recent months.

Ryan said, “This did not show that the virus could be completely removed, but it showed that we can get to a point where we have sufficient control over it, allowing us to resume our social and economic lives.”

But he reiterated: “Any government seeking to ease the restrictions must do so with great caution.”
