All circumstantial and institutional factors combined to make today’s US presidential election a pivotal moment in the course of the decline of US hegemony. A path that will be overseen by one of the candidates, be it Donald Trump as a contributor to the “moment of transformation” that accompanied the rise and fall of his “America First” policy, or Joe Biden, who promised to turn back the clock and return to America and its “soft power” years ago. Biden imagines that repairing the flaws that have grown stronger and even ingrained over the past four years will bring shine back to an era that has since passed. The separation associated with the continued campaigns of the two candidates in the main states of the United States, as well as their desperation to divert attention to possible individual achievements “if only”, coincide with facts that do not seem reassuring, in light of estimates. They point to the fear that the presidential race will turn into a fireball fueled by escalating polarization and internal divisions that could lead to bloody civil conflicts. Faced with these challenges, and the threat of chaos to come, reinforced by the chaos of two opposing streets, the international scene and the role of the United States in it look no better. It is threatened by an apparently inevitable confrontation between the great powers represented by China and the United States, in addition to a policy whose fate is unclear with respect to the region, although it continues to rely on the “self-reform” between Israel and the locomotive of Arab typists. . Whether Trump wins or promotes his opponent Biden, the outcome itself, at least for those who look at the context, is not important, as the former expects what awaits the latter, and neither of them expects – in short. term – a cunning that can protect the interior from the exhausting consequences. Economically and socially, due to the epidemic crisis, and no achievement abroad can return the United States to its lost position. However, hundreds of millions, perhaps more, are dying to know the name of the president who will lead the empire starting tomorrow.