Elie Cohen: A Sudanese Delegation Will Visit “Israel” Soon … And Demonstrations In Khartoum And The Burning Of Zionist Flags – Al-Banna Newspaper


He said Minister intelligence Occupation, Eli Cohen, that «A delegation Sudanese Visit hill Tel soon, وإنه Will be directed Then to me Khartoum, In head delegation Zionist».

و .كد Cohen, in a Interview Published Yesterday Newspaper «Sudanese»، that «Israel» Will cooperate With Sudan in a fields various, Expected accommodation Cooperative Security Between Both countries, وتبادل For goods And for investments.

و .ضاف: «I will visit Khartoum With delegation Investment, I am Personally I will preside Delegation Israeli next For hose distance Firm the official In Happening Peace Between «Israel» And Khartoum, و .ود that The oldest Call To form formal To the government Sudanese Send delegation Sudanese to me hill Tel».

Vivid In that «Israel» Not Progress Promises للسودان With help Finance And agreed in the standardization relations In level The diplomat And it will be Over there Cooperative Security وتبادل Raw Materials Commercial And from one side to the other Between Both countries».

و .علن Sudan Y»Israel»، Friday last, standardization relations in a Happening Mediated in that the states United, لصبح Sudan third country Arab Lives Relations With country Occupation Through two months distance UAE والبحرين.

And included the states United, Does Public 1993، Sudan In «List Countries Sponsorship To terrorism»؛ To house it At that time Leader The late Organize «Al Qaeda» Ossama The son of Loaded.

and so Standardization Confirmed conglomerate Political obvious in a strong «Advertising Freedom And change» in a Sudan I reject it Normalize Between how boring And state Occupation Zionist, Announcer training Front resistance To turn off the agreement Between Two sides.

وشدّد alliance Sudanese In that People «Will fulfill Their postures Historical, It will work Since Through Front petition To resist Standardization ودعم People Palestinian Since yes Obtain In All Your rights Legitimate».

وعبر alliance that «Authority Transitional Deliberate violation document Constitutional وتمضي in a direction Standardization With Entity Zionist, والخروج In Constants Sudan He does not Three in a Support for Rights Palestinians».

to me that, Quoted Broadcasting «Site» About Sources Formal Zionism that Happening Standardization Crystallized With Sudan; «Will facilitate Operation Kick Seeker Right seek shelter Political Sudanese, Note That Absence Relations diplomacy Between Both countries Now Even right now without Return Subjects Sudanese to me His country».

و .ضافت that Number Sudanese Residents in a «Israel» Report Currently around 6 Thousands Y200 Person.

Come that in a time, Confirmed Two sources in a government Sudanese by»Reuters»، that President government Transitional Slave God Thank you, Talented Normalize relations With «Israel» Yes Agreed Parliament.

وكشفت Sources in a Sudan وصر that Saudi Pay to 335 Million Dollars للولايات United Since yes acceleration standardization relations Between Khartoum And such Tel, according to What mentioned «Means, medium East Monitor».

And in Shadow Acceleration To complete the agreement Sudanese Zionist, Announce People Sudanese I reject it Normalize With Occupation, Since Through Demonstrations Which I’m going out in a Khartoum, And older 3 Young boys In burning Flags Zionism big the size Through Demonstrations.

While, He said Witnesses that Operation burn media Zionism Take place in a Region Adjacent Bearded the press South Khartoum, as such Why Health Adversary Normalize وضدّ Since They are looking for to me Justified in a The circles Popular والسياسية.

Since His side, Confirmed captain Labor union Doctors Sudan Ahmad Slave God Sheikh that Happening Standardization Not Represent People Sudanese, saying by»Fields» that «strong Freedom And change Demanded President Ministers Not Act in a a file Standardization With «Israel».

as such he pointed to me that People Sudanese It sticks Not Three gesticulate Being He لعبة Political Related By choices American.

وعبر President party «platform Peace fair» Sudanese The good Mustafa that Happening Standardization He treason للسودان And for the nation And for the maximum.

وقال Mustafa, Saturday, that «Not legitimacy To the government Sudanese Current Reach to me this is Conventions, Which Not Authorized So».

Taking he pointed to me that President board Sovereignty Transitional Sudanese Slave Fattah the proof he knew Netanyahu, Note is a Realise that that Not Since He is correct Stressed In is a: «Answer Confrontation the system With all What Utena Since Energy».

And in Context Connected, He said director Device Mossad Yossi Cohen, Which Driving Relations Standardization With Countries Arabica, that «Advertising Standardization Between Saudi Y»Israel»، it will happen In Most likely distance End The chose Presidential American»، according to What Quoted about him the channel 12 Zionism.

و .وضح «Cohen» that reason Quote Expected, «behind to me wish Riad in a Send Standardization In is a Present Since Type What to me President American The chosen one, either Was Donald Triumph or Competition Democrat جو Biden».

And she was Saudi Announced open His field aerial before Excursions Air Business Aviation Zionism, Does Months various.

و .ضاف «Cohen»، that «Agreement Standardization Will include too Agreement arms Between the states United And the kingdom Arabica Saudi».

وذكرت the channel Hebrew Quotation About Sources Zionism that talks Standardization Mediated American Between country Hebrew And sultanate Oman Approaching Since Investigation Penetration.

وحسب the channel, «you think this is Sources that Oman she country The most Possibility Normalize relations With hill Tel, distance Sudan»، Stewardess that Muscatel It will take Getting closer Plus Watch out, And not Wait In Which Thing Even Expires The chose.

Since His side, He said President Ministers Occupation Benjamin Netanyahu that «Agreements Standardization Three With Countries Arabica Finished isolation Geography by(Israel) providing Excursions Air Shorter و .رخص A price».

و .ضاف Netanyahu in a conference journalist «U.S We change a map the East Means, medium»، Advisory to me «Tablet White in the Rate Graphic For hallways Aviation».

وقال: that «Travel Over The atmosphere Saudi And bahrain والةماراتية Arabica, I will save In Travellers Cartoon vector to me India, Destinations Asian Other, Hours And money A lot Of course»، Advisory to me that Standardization Will include Plus Since Countries Arabica.

و .برمت «hill Tel» Accidental standardization the month last With UAE Walmartin, And she agreed day Friday With Sudan In standardization relations Mediated the states United.

The Palestinian Authority condemned the normalization of the Arab countries with “Israel”, calling it “treason”.
