Election fever in America … Trump and his deputy are on the defensive


With glass insulators and 12 feet apart, Vice President Mike Pence took on Democratic Vice President Sen. Kamala Harris in a debate dominated by the performance and track record of President Donald Trump.

Pence tried, according to “CNN”, to defend Trump’s record against criticism from Harris, and accused her of being “insincere”, saying: “Senator Harris, you are authorized to speak about your opinions, but you are not committed to the facts. “.

Pence strove to present a positive image of Trump’s four years in office, at a time when the electoral race appears to be slipping out of Trump’s hands in favor of his rival, Joe Biden. A CNN poll showed 57 percent of Americans support Biden in exchange for 41 percent Trump.

The difference between Biden and Trump widened to 16 points, at a time when the focus of attention was increasing on Trump due to his infection with the emerging corona virus, and his method of handling the virus outbreak in the United States, which is the greatest crisis facing your country since World War II.

Pence tried to focus on Trump “creating a strong economy” without admitting the economic collapse that occurred in recent months with the outbreak of Corona. He also tried to shed light on Trump’s international agreements, especially the conclusion of agreements between Israel and the Middle East countries, while ignoring the international isolation of the United States, especially on the part of its most prominent allies in the Trump era.

Pence refused, as Trump did in his debate with Biden, to declare a commitment to a peaceful transfer of power if he lost the election. When asked what he would do if Trump rejected the election result, Pence said he believed Trump would win a second term.

Harris managed to put Pence on the defensive from the beginning of the debate to defend Trump’s record in his first term, especially when it comes to the economy, trade agreements, health, climate change and his handling of the Corona crisis, in addition of your tax file.

Harris condemned Trump’s handling of the Corona crisis, noting that 210,000 Americans have died and more than 7.5 million more have been infected with the virus. He said that “the American people witnessed the greatest failure of any presidential administration in American history,” noting that Trump has reduced the danger of the virus since the beginning of its spread and has reduced the importance of wearing masks.

Although the debate of the two vice presidents does not usually have a significant impact on the outcome of the elections, this year the interest of voters may be greater than who will be the vice president, especially in light of the old age of the presidential candidates, since Biden is 77 years old and Trump 74 years old. His infection with Corona worries Americans for his health.

The debate was better performing than the Trump-Joe Biden debate, in which the two candidates exchanged scathing criticism and non-diplomatic rhetoric. Pence and Harib adhered to the controls, albeit with some distortion of the facts and ignoring some questions and avoiding answering them, especially by the vice president.

Pence presented a weak argument in the foreign policy file, whose participation was limited to a few minutes, revolving around China, the Iranian nuclear agreement and expressing his pride in the transfer of the US embassy to Jerusalem and relations with Russia.
