EGYPT – The meteor shower fills the sky with 40 meteors next Tuesday … More information


(MENAFN – Youm7) The meteor shower will light up the Eta Aquariids sky, where dozens of meteors will witness the hour during their climax next Tuesday, and this type of meteor shower is created from the debris left by Halley’s Comet, and occurs every years from mid-April to the end of May, and will be visible from today, Sunday until it reaches its climax on Tuesday.

According to the British newspaper “Daily Mail”, astronomers say those who want to see the meteor shower should have a comfortable chair and be prepared to sit outside for hours, and will not need binoculars or a telescope.

Eta Aquariids are also named after the constellation Aquarius because they fall from that point in the sky, specifically the star Eta Aquarii.

Those who wish to monitor the event should find a safe place away from street lights and other sources of light pollution. It is better to see meteor showers in the southern hemisphere, but it will be visible in the northern hemisphere, but not as clearly.

Perhaps the best way to look, according to NASA, is to lie on your back and look up, as it gives you a broader view of the sky without straining your neck.

Meteorites are pieces of debris that enter the atmosphere at a rate of 148,000 miles per hour, and because they evaporate and cause light rays, they are flashes of dust grains that burn up in the atmosphere behind them as that the Earth passes through the path of the comet.

That is why they appear on certain dates and return annually, because these comets are in orbit and leave debris in certain parts of space, and meteorites are also famous for their speed, as they quickly enter Earth’s atmosphere.

Eta Aqauriids rain doesn’t produce as many stars per hour relative to other species, but astronomers say they will be brighter and much brighter than other meteorites.

