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The Arab people are preparing to enter a new phase of the Corona pandemic, after the United Arab Emirates officially registered the vaccine from the Chinese company Sinopharma to prevent the Covid-19 disease and sent the first shipments of the vaccine to Egypt. .

And as a year passes since the Corona virus pandemic, which first appeared in China and has infected more than 71 million people worldwide and more than 1.5 million have died, according to the latest Reuters tally, Residents of Arab countries that have officially registered the Chinese vaccine are concerned about receiving the prevention of Covid disease. .

Akram Ali, 31, does not trust the Chinese vaccine, saying: “China has not carried out comprehensive and revealing controls on cases that received doses of the Sinopharma vaccine that Egypt received.

Last July, the United Arab Emirates began the third phase of clinical trials of the Chinese vaccine, and the trial was expanded to include Bahrain, Jordan and Egypt.

Despite this, it appears that all of these countries rely on the data announced by the United Arab Emirates earlier this month from a temporal analysis of the final stages of clinical trials of the Chinese vaccine, which was made clear in a statement. from the National Authority for the Regulation of Health Professions and Services in Bahrain released on Sunday, and television releases. To the Egyptian Health Minister Hala Zayed last Friday.

The UAE says data from the third phase of clinical trials of the Chinese vaccine showed “the vaccine’s 86 percent effectiveness against Coronavirus infection,” at a time when China itself did not announce effectiveness. of the vaccine, but it has already used it to vaccinate about a million of its citizens in an emergency program.

Natasha Kassam, an expert on Chinese affairs at Australia’s Lowe Institute, told France Press that “the lack of transparency in the Chinese system has led to thousands of people being vaccinated so far, without publishing data from clinical trials.”

In its latest statement, the UAE Ministry of Health did not mention any side effects or illnesses suffered by participants in clinical trials.

And data from previous trials showed that vaccination with the vaccine, which uses an inactivated virus to stimulate immune responses, is given in two doses.

Not guaranteed or is it less harmful?

In light of this uncertainty, Ali tells Al-Hurra that he will not take the vaccine, “even if it is readily available,” adding: “Its side effects have yet to be discovered and may appear after a year or perhaps less”.

Ali prefers to undergo the treatment protocol approved by the Egyptian Health Ministry in case he is infected with Corona than to take a vaccine, “the side effects of which are not guaranteed,” he said.

So far, the Arab countries that have officially approved the Chinese vaccine have not forced their citizens to receive it, but Rabha Othman, 62, believes that receiving any available vaccine will facilitate travel abroad, achieve the interests of the government and return to normal life gradually carefree, and she supports him.

As for Mahmoud Adeeb (28 years old), who was excited to receive the vaccine as soon as Emirati hospitals announced its availability, he says: “I trust him as the least harmful, because he was based on the usual traditional method, which is the killed virus “, adding:” This is a fundamental motivation for all those who want to receive the vaccine with less. ” Possible doubts “.

The reality of social media reflected the anxiety of some people whose opinions Alhurra surveyed. They were divided between receiving any available vaccine, even the Chinese vaccine, and waiting for vaccines developed by other countries, such as the one that began to vaccinate its citizens in Great Britain and developed by the American company Pfizer and the German Biontech. Or the Modern American vaccine, which has been shown to be 95% effective.

The Chinese vaccine uses an inactive virus that contains dead viral particles that are created in the laboratory before they die and are not contagious.

As for the Pfizer vaccine, it uses modern RNA technology that allows the body to secrete antigens and antigens.

In this context, Adeeb tells Al-Hurra’s website: “The Pfizer vaccine and others were based on a new method, which is enough to raise fears.”

Adeeb believes that “some symptoms are better than remaining in a state of caution,” expressing hope that the Chinese vaccine will be mandatory for everyone.

‘So far safe’

This anxiety and division can pose a potential challenge to efforts to immunize people. Dr. Wael Safwat, a consultant to the World Health Organization, says the Chinese vaccine passed two stages of trials with a high rate of effectiveness, based on available research and information.

He added to the Al-Hurra website: “The results of the third phase will be released in a few days (…), and according to the available information, the Chinese vaccine is effective and safe, and many countries participating in the third phase has been officially approved “.

Safwat explained that the vaccine will be available in most countries for medical teams “because it is the most vulnerable group and because the quantities produced are low.”

He stressed that those who did not contract the virus and suffer from weak immunity, such as patients with chronic diseases and the elderly, can receive the vaccine.

Chronic diseases include heart disease, diabetes, and kidney and respiratory failure.

    Bahrain's Crown Prince Salman bin Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa received the Sinopharm vaccine

Bahrain’s Crown Prince Salman bin Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa received the Sinopharm vaccine

Regarding receiving the vaccine for those who were previously infected with the Coronavirus, Safwat said: “It is not possible, because this patient has temporary immunity, the investigation has not confirmed its duration.”

He continued: “Those who have been infected with Corona can have their body antiviral tests to assess the situation after that, but generally those who have been infected with the virus are not among the candidates to be vaccinated with the vaccine.”

Although the Arab countries have authorized the Chinese vaccine, they seek to contract with other companies to obtain their vaccines. Last September, Russia announced an agreement with Egypt to supply up to 25 million doses of the Sputnik vaccine, in which Abu Dhabi is also conducting clinical trials.

As for Bahrain, it has also authorized, in addition to Sinopharm, the emergency use of the Pfizer-Bionic vaccine.

In this regard, the WHO consultant stressed that “it is not possible, of course, to receive two vaccines. There is no benefit in that, and it can generate complications in the recipient’s body.”
