Efforts to resolve the Gulf crisis are progressing. Is reconciliation a gift for Biden?


Signs of dissolution in the Gulf crisis. The Emir of Kuwait announces that a final solution to the conflict will be reached, and Qatar and Saudi Arabia express their hope to build bridges between the conflicting parties and resolve the crisis as soon as possible. So what are the details?

  • Signs of Dissolution in the Gulf Crisis
    Signs of Dissolution in the Gulf Crisis

The Gulf crisis, which has been going on for almost three years, has “changed” according to Kuwait, as its emir, Nawaf Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, expressed satisfaction with what he described as a “historic achievement” that was achieved. through continuous and constructive efforts to reach a final agreement between the parties to the crisis.

The optimistic atmosphere was conveyed by the Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister Faisal bin Farhan, who expressed the Kingdom’s aspiration for the efforts of Kuwait and the United States to successfully bridge the gap in views regarding the crisis.

Bin Farhan said: “We are in full coordination with our partners in this process, and the prospects we see towards a final agreement are very positive. All the steps we have taken so far have been as I mentioned in coordination with our partners and the final agreement. it will involve all stakeholders. “

In the same context, the Qatari Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that “the agreement to resolve the Gulf crisis will be a victory for all.”

Qatari Foreign Minister Mohammed bin Abdul Rahman Al Thani indicated that any type of solution to the crisis must be comprehensive and preserve the unity of the Gulf, stressing that “it is not possible to predict whether a solution is imminent.”

Doha’s words are in line with what US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo also confirmed that it may be premature to expect a full reconciliation between all parties, as he said: “We are very optimistic that the dispute between the Saudis and the Qataris can be resolved. We hope that is the case because we believe this is important for peace throughout the Middle East. “

Kuwait’s announcement that Saudi Arabia and Qatar are keen to end their differences, and that there are fruitful talks on Gulf reconciliation approaching crisis by intent, while the UAE is absent. An announcement that could serve Saudi Arabia by approaching the new US administration, and would give credit to Donald Trump in his quest to unify the Gulf within the normalization project with “Israel.”

However, the announcement of a final solution to the Gulf conflict is not yet clear. However, the timing of the announcement of the start of the crisis resolution raises many questions, especially about the Saudi position that welcomes the solution, which American newspapers see as an attempt by the Saudi crown prince to improve the image of your country versus the administration of the President of the United States. The national team is Joe Biden.

It’s no secret here that the Donald Trump administration is eager to make a strategic breakthrough on the Gulf record before his departure. Many spoke of Trump’s role in setting prices in the dispute between Saudi Arabia, its allies and Qatar. And here is Jared Kushner trying to achieve an achievement in his final days in the White House, so what has emerged to highlight these positive indicators? What about the conditions required of Qatar?

How will Saudi Arabia deal with the Emirati opposition? Will the Cooperation Council return to its previous unit? Riyadh wants to appease Biden to cool her stances towards him? Or is it pressure from Trump to remove obstacles to normalize the kingdom and tighten the cordon in Tehran?

As for Doha, why would Trump sell an achievement when he left? Or would you rather meet with Biden and put his last signature shortly after his arrival at the White House?

Regarding this announcement, the director of the Jerusalem Center for Political Studies, Arib Al-Rantawi, said للميادين It was agreed to “lay the foundations to resolve the crisis in the Gulf and stop the media war between the parties.”

Al-Rantawi said: “Saudi Arabia is conducting policy reviews after Biden won the US presidential election, and wants to cool the files before Biden’s arrival in the White House.”

On Qatar’s position on the Gulf crisis, he said it was “reconciliation with Saudi Arabia.”

For his part, said George Washington University political science professor Nabil Mikhail للميادين “Trump wants Gulf reconciliation to form a front against Iran, to hamper Biden’s foreign policy,” stating that “there is no war against Iran in the foreseeable future due to the absence of statements from Pentagon leaders.”

In turn, the head of the Arab and Regional Studies Unit of the Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies, Muhammad Ezz Al-Arab, said للميادين The Trump administration was one of the main causes of the Gulf crisis.

It should be noted that the four boycotting countries imposed a list of demands three years ago, a condition for lifting the blockade, the most prominent of which are listed below:

– Qatar reduced the level of diplomatic relations with Iran, and did not establish any commercial activity with Tehran that conflicts with the sanctions imposed by the United States.

Qatar closes the Turkish military base on its territory and cancels military cooperation with it.

Close the “Al Jazeera” channel and all the media that Qatar supports, directly or indirectly, and Qatar’s commitment to being a country in harmony with its Gulf and Arab environment.

– Stop interference in the internal and external affairs of the four countries.

Refrain from supporting or financing associations and organizations that the four countries and the United States classify as terrorists.

It should be noted that Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Emirates and Egypt announced on June 5, 2017, to cut diplomatic relations with the State of Qatar, accusing Doha of sponsoring terrorism and achieving stability in the region and not implementing the Riyadh Agreement, according to its expression. Qatar denied the accusations on its side.
