Education Minister Tareq Al-Majzoub told Al-Nahar: If health problems worsen, we will modify the details of the decision to return to the school year.


Meetings at the Ministry of Education and Higher Education continued late into the night yesterday to keep pace with the health developments associated with the high number of cases of corona infection among residents and the recklessness shown by many to return to their normal lives. At dawn, Minister Tariq Al-Majzoub spoke to Al-Nahar and asked about the validity of a tendency to cancel the decision to resume the school year and his message to parents who are afraid of sending their children to classes in the current situation and the warning bell that the Minister of Health has sounded.

Majzoub said: “When we announced the details of the plan to return to schools, institutes and universities, we relied on scientific and health data. In these exceptional circumstances, we have to do things responsibly and reasonably. Make an offer now and There are no rumors. Of course, if health conditions worsen, God forbid, we will adjust Resolution Details. ”

The minister, who denied the existence of a current decision to cancel the plan, indicated that “the Ministry of Education is in the process of preparing all the procedures for the safe return to educational institutions and we will distribute a psychosocial educational health protocol to accompany return in cooperation with health and educational references. ”

The minister’s message to the family: “I am addressing you now as a minister and a father and what I do not accept for my children, I will not accept for you. I understand your concerns, but I trust that matters in the ministry are taught in a scientific way that preserves at the same time the educational and health interest of our children. ”

He added that “when the schools are reopened, health workers and Ministry officials will supervise the implementation of the procedures. In addition, administrators and teachers will be trained to accompany the return.” “We understand their concerns and will never compromise the health of our children and our teachers,” concluded the minister, who called for “adherence to the recommendations of the Council of Ministers in terms of strict adherence to preventive measures.”

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