Dr. Walid Khoury to “the brigade”: Lebanon was not exposed to the second wave of the Crown


A member of the Monitoring Committee for Preventive Measures of the Corona Virus and Adviser in Baabda for Health Affairs, Dr. Walid Khoury, confirmed to the “General of Division” that a mini meeting of the ministers involved will be held next Sunday to assess the effects of the closure in a period of four days, indicating that the decision was made in the Follow-up Committee to transfer all Those who showed the results of their PCR examination gave positive results to the government hospitals in the regions and, consequently, did not continue with the household quarantine in the homes, and said that there is a plan prepared by the Ministry of the Interior, the provinces and the municipalities to guarantee the commitment process of those who come from abroad to stay in their homes, as well as those who mixed with positive cases and conducted a test that resulted in a negative result, stating that Lebanon had not been exposed to the following nda covid 19 wave and that what had happened in the last days resulted from the contempt of the citizens and their violation of the stone.

He stressed that it is also important to monitor the domestic quarantine, and this is what the Monitoring Committee also discussed, as well as the work to prevent mixtures, revealing a meeting that will be held today, Friday, in the presence of officials from the UNHCR and UNRWA, dedicated to quarantine centers for Lebanese and Syrians and displaced Palestinians, as there are 43 centers that were not used and will run centers for those that were not used, and there will be two opening centers that will be used and they will direct In each governorate, like international organizations, they will open two or more centers in the areas where internally displaced persons and refugees are present.

Dr. Khoury pointed out that any decision to reconsider the opening of the sectors depends on the evolution of the closing days, knowing that the medical examinations are continuous, stopping at the return of 12,000 passengers before Eid Al-Fitr, and this matter requires follow-up, explaining that tests conducted for 8,500 expatriates showed they are negative.

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