“Don’t be optimistic.”


Despite the optimistic environment in which the world lives with the start of vaccinations against the new Corona virus in more than one country, “the World Health Organization issued an alert hours ago that herd immunity against Corona will not be safe this year”.

In details, the organization’s scientific officer, Somaya Swaminathan, from Geneva, revealed that the world will not achieve herd immunity this year 2021, highlighting the importance of continuing to apply protective measures such as social distancing, washing hands and wearing a muzzle to control the epidemic.

Swaminathan praised the great progress made by scientists who have managed to develop not one, but several safe and effective vaccines against a completely new virus in less than a year.

Despite the praise, “the official stressed that the introduction of vaccines to the public takes some time, noting that expanding the production of doses takes time, not only in millions but in billions,” and called on people to be a little patient.

Swaminathan emphasized that vaccines will eventually arrive and be transferred to all countries, adding: “But in the meantime, we must not forget that there are effective measures.”

And he noted that “it will be necessary to continue taking public health and social measures aimed at stopping transmission at least for the rest of this year.”

It is reported that the new Corona virus had celebrated its first birthday days ago, as a year had passed since the first declared death from the epidemic, which came close to infecting 100 million worldwide without a final insular solution that ends with the crisis.

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