Don’t be afraid to press the elevator button … a material that protects you from SK for 90 days


At a time when Corona is capturing the world’s attention and scientists are rushing to find a cure or vaccine for this epidemic, researchers at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology said they have developed an antivirus layer that can provide protection. “significant” for 90 days of bacteria and viruses, such as the crown causing Covid’s disease. 19)

Researchers at the university say that the development of this layer, called Map-1, took ten years and that it can be sprayed on surfaces that people repeatedly use, such as elevator buttons and stair barriers.

Assistant professor at the university and a leading researcher on the team that developed the product, Joseph Cowan, explained that “these places are repeatedly exposed to touch and at the same time a very effective means of transmitting the disease.”

The layer formed after spraying the substance includes millions of nanocapsules that are measured in nano and contain antiseptics that, according to Kwan, remains effective in killing bacteria, viruses and germs, even after the layer dries.

Furthermore, he added, that unlike disinfection methods such as ovaries and dilute alcohols, MAB-1 was enhanced with polymers that coat and release antiseptics when humans come in contact with them.

Not toxic

The researchers confirm that the coating is non-toxic and safe for the skin and the environment.

Also in February, the producer obtained approval for consumption by official agencies and citizens and will hit stores in Hong Kong next month.

With the help of a local charity, the non-toxic class has already been sprayed on the homes of more than 1,000 low-income families in the city.

It is noteworthy that Hong Kong did not record any new cases of the virus on Sunday, leaving the total number of 1,038 cases and four deaths.

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