Does the single and double numbers plan return to closing?


At the health level, and given the worsening of the Corona outbreak during the holidays, the country is heading for a new period of general closure to besiege this epidemic, recommended by the competent authorities, and the discussion focuses on the duration of this closure and the determination of the scheduled zero hour, starting next Thursday morning.

In this context, informed sources revealed to Al-Gomhoria that the call for a meeting of the Supreme Defense Council has not yet been issued, amid a certain belief that it may not be necessary to discuss the closure and the series of measures that can be taken. drink. The sources indicated that there are those who believe that the closure could be decided at a meeting of the ministerial commission in charge of monitoring the Corona file, together with members of the medical commission that will determine the steps that will be supervised by the Lebanese army, which at the same time oversees the implementation of the state of general mobilization that was extended until the end of March. Following by decree issued before the end of last year. As for the rest of the procedures, it will be in charge of the Ministry of the Interior, which will have to translate the decisions made in the ministerial committee and follow the implementation stages in cooperation and coordination among other security agencies.

The sources pointed out that the closure may not be comprehensive, and the single and double numbers plan for private cars will not be adopted, and that the country is not in a position to support the closure of some economic and industrial sectors, especially the food industries of all kinds, and those related to cleaning and disinfection materials that have doubled their capacity. Counter the effects of Corona’s spread.

Reflecting the atmosphere that accompanied the discussion on a series of contradictory ideas due to the lack of understanding of a formula, the Minister of Health of the interim government, Hamad Hassan, tweeted last night on Twitter, saying: “The stock market who demands closure has been bidding, and who says more, as if some were of those people that She was suffocated and asphyxiated and seemed to live, and they forgot their coin and their results, with my remaining hands … ”

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