Does Corona infect a person twice in Lebanon?


The “relief” of a large number of previously infected people “in their state” by “acquiring immunity” does not mean that they will not be infected again, according to figures from some health centers in several municipalities where cases of “reinfection” were registered.

The head of the Department of Preventive Medicine of the Ministry of Health, Dr. Atika Berri, explained to Al-Akhbar that “talking about a second infection within two or three months requires scientific scrutiny and precise diagnostic laboratory tests that demonstrate that the affected person has lost the immunity acquired with the first infection “, pointing out that the results of the laboratory tests of one of the injured remained for a period of 50 days giving positive,” Consequently, the result of the victim who re-examines after a month or two months it may be related to your injury the first time, for example, in addition to the presence of a margin of error in the diagnosis (false positive) in one of the two injuries so that the injured person believes that he was injured twice ”.

Although Berri did not completely deny the existence of cases in Lebanon that were beaten twice, “but scientifically confirming these facts and seeking to determine the number of these cases is a luxury that the Ministry of Health does not have in the current circumstances,” noting that This “does not deny the importance of taking precautions and precautions to preserve the lives of those around you. With the wounded.

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