Do you turn off the television and then sleep? This is what makes us a catastrophic habit


The vast majority of people fall asleep right after turning off the television or phone, although this totally contradicts the recommendations of doctors.

The “Health” site said that sleeping immediately after turning off the television or the telephone has many drawbacks, adding that all the studies carried out on the matter agreed on the same conclusion.

Researchers advise quitting this habit, since light affects the body’s internal clock and leads to “chaos in the sleep cycle.”

In addition, the blue light emitted by the television or the phone screen causes insomnia and fatigue, which reduces the “quality of sleep”.

This is due to the fact that blue light disrupts the body’s production of “melatonin”, which is the hormone responsible for the sleep process, in exchange for raising “cortisol” levels, which wakes you up.

Additionally, an earlier study, published in “JAMA Internal Medicine,” found that sleeping with a television in your bedroom “may be a risk factor for weight gain and exposure to obesity.”

That is why experts advise that the television and the telephone be turned off between an hour and a half or two hours before going to sleep, and that they use that period of time to read or meditate.

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