“Divorce Day” … Annual Date Approaching for Most Separation Cases


There is an event called “Divorce Day” in Britain, and it is a day when requests and inquiries are high regarding the “separation” between spouses, according to the “Daily Mail” newspaper.

According to the newspaper, what is known as “divorce day” for lawyers falls on the first Monday of the first month of the year each year, which is usually the first business day after the Christmas and New Year holidays.

On this day, lawyers say that requests for divorce or inquiries in this regard are increasing by a very high percentage, due to the disputes that occur between the spouses during the holidays.

Co-op Legal Services said it had already seen a 250 percent increase in inquiries through the end of 2020 compared to 2019.

Lawyer Edward Cook said divorce inquiries tripled after the UK’s first lockdown period between June and October.

However, according to Cook, the number was lower during the lockdown itself, adding: “ I don’t think relationships between people are collapsing due to the epidemic, but people with pre-existing problems believe that the closure period and the Holidays have highlighted those divisions between the two parties. the light

But Cook also explained that many couples have been more successful with their problems by spending more time together during confinement.

According to the “Independent” newspaper, the organization “Relight” that deals with supporting marital relationships, reported in January 2019 that there was a significant increase in the number of people visiting its website during the holidays.

Visits to Relight increased 84 percent during the first three business days in early 2020, compared to 2019.

Relight said it used to be the first Monday in January, which is the day lawyers and law firms receive more and more new requests from husbands to inquire about a divorce.
