Distribution of the Corona vaccine in America, just two days before the presidential elections | International News


After the president of the United States, Donald Trump, candidate for a second term in the elections scheduled for November 3, announced last week that the United States will have a vaccine against the Corona virus “this year”, the health authorities of The United States called on state governments to take the necessary measures. So that it is ready for the first of November, for the distribution of a possible vaccine against “Covid-19”, according to an official document seen by the French Press Agency..

In a letter sent to state governments last week, Robert Redfield, director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “urgently” requested that they do everything necessary to ensure that the facilities for the next vaccine deployment are “fully functional by November 1, 2020.”

In his message, Redfield specifically mentioned the need to remove all administrative hurdles and issue all necessary licenses and certificates so that these facilities can operate at full capacity on the scheduled date, which falls just two days before the presidential election..

Redfield also confirmed in his message that US health authorities “are rapidly preparing for a large-scale distribution of Covid-19 vaccines in the fall of 2020.”

While many companies are competing to produce a vaccine against “Covid-19”, but most of these vaccines are still in the clinical trial phase, which means that it has not been confirmed until today that one of them will be effective and safe, but the US authorities prefer, to save valuable time in the battle against the deadly virus is to be ready to begin distributing the vaccine as soon as it is proven effective.

Source: Arab + Major General
