Distance learning is an opportunity for a new calendar approach


In recent years, the Lebanese educational curriculum, published in 1997, has been criticized in many ways, especially for its reliance on completing and focusing on assessing cognitive achievement, without assessing other performance skills such as analysis, structure, and conclusion. , given the reality of the content and educational methods. Education, teaching aids and finding grades on official exams only.

Sticking to fillers has played the biggest role in our current crisis. Had the curricula been shortened in earlier times, today it would have been possible to avoid much of the gap and devote time to the educational process of performing life skills.
The Corona pandemic has shown that it was possible to walk away from the landfill at a time when before everyone saw that all the educational goals required in each subject are a red line that cannot be compromised, to the extent that those in charge of materials consider that merely negotiating to lower some goals or lessons touches them personally.
Faced with these circumstances that imposed the reduction, as well as the imposition of distance education in its various forms, a new evaluation approach is required that simulates the change that is taking place, considering that evaluation is the only element that indicates in what measure the required goals have been achieved, and upon which many results are built.
Although evaluation in distance education is one of the most difficult challenges due to its obstacles, some are specific to our country, such as electricity and the Internet, and some that are universal, such as traps, but we cannot stand idly by and we have to develop objective solutions that are applicable, and this is something. Of course, as we have no other choice, we are not faced with an optional distance learning process. What encourages us to go through this experience is that our assessment process originally needed development, as it did not include all areas of knowledge, performance and affection, and the student’s score was not an objective mirror of their abilities and skills, but simply a success and elevation number, knowing that educational assessment is necessary to translate student work in Marque, except that this work is not required to be a written test.
We do not claim to be able to solve the assessment problem during the distance learning process, but some suggested solutions can help to overcome this challenge with the least possible losses, and objectively they can:
– We put the components of a cumulative score (Formative) for each subject to get away from the idea of ​​judgment through an exam.
– We move away as much as possible from written exams and move towards assessment methods that are based on the student’s presentation and the presentation of information or educational objective, such as carrying out research and activities that enhance communication, presentation and Analysis of the student, and his implementation of what is required of him is conclusive proof of the fulfillment of his functions.
– Use the inverted classroom strategy so that the student has the task of explaining the digital content that was previously sent by the teacher after dividing the class into groups or adopting the Reflection method, since the student is asked to provide a summary of what was explained in the previous session, and this method will consolidate the objectives and reinforce the language.
By using the Google form, Socrative…. Or other applications, the exam needs to be tailored to resemble open book exams as we move away from direct questions to questions based on analysis and correlation rigorously in determining the right time without giving you the opportunity to search information and the ability to use open camera technology during response.
Adopting such or similar methods while preserving their diversity for the daily cumulative (Formative) calendar along with the preliminary examinations for summative assessment is the best today and the most objective, and definitely better than the calendar that used to occur in previous years . Hoping that we are not faced with a reality that does not allow us to carry out any type of attendance evaluation, and that we have to suffice with remote evaluation, which will impose a diversification of tools and methods, and will focus on the student’s work and performance, taking into account individual differences between students.

* Educational trainer and teacher in formal secondary education

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