Discovery of a new strain of Covid-19 that sticks to detection |


Paris- France’s General Directorate of Health announced the discovery of a new strain of Coronavirus in the Brittany region, in the north-west of the country.

According to the local radio website “France Bleu”, the management said in a statement issued Monday night that a new strain of the Corona virus had been found “at the end of last February, at Lanyon Hospital.

New strain “Protani” was found in 8 cases

He added that the problem with the new strain lies “in the difficulty of noticing it during the usual tests to detect the virus.”

He indicated that the new strain “Protani” was found in 8 cases, when repeated symptoms appeared in those infected, but the BCR tests that were performed

For them it was negative.

Testing must begin now to better understand the new strain, especially how it interacts with vaccines and antibodies in those previously infected with other strains of the virus.

The French authorities have previously asked the World Health Organization to investigate and study this “new mutant”, as happened with the second strain that appeared in Great Britain, Brazil and South Africa, last December.

He noted that French health authorities have initiated “in-depth investigations into this new strain.” As of Tuesday morning, the total number of deaths in Corona around the world amounted to more than two million and 600 thousand, while the wounded exceeded 120 million and 800 thousand.
