Diab: There is no justification for an exceptional session


Circles of Acting Prime Minister Hassan Diab denied that parliament replaced procedural authority and confiscated his office, noting that the decisions he made in his last session generally fell within his powers and competencies. “However, what happened is that some people made efforts to explain them, and the explanation was not He replaced Him and the others followed Him.”

Despite his political rivalry with the prime minister in charge of forming the government, Saad Hariri, Diab stressed to the “Republic” that the first and last thing is the formation of a new government immediately, hoping that the designated president will succeed in his commitment, “from the existence of any authentic government, whatever it may be. Its nature is still better than continuing to do business compared to the challenges of the current situation, especially since there is a need to make basic decisions and take detailed options to face the cruel crisis.

Diab stressed that he is not happy with his tenure as head of the interim government. Rather, you are rushing to leave yesterday before today, because you feel like you are in chains and unable to make the necessary decisions except within the narrow scope that the “discharge” allows, while addressing the continued collapse requires a government in its own right. And powers.

From Diab’s point of view, there is currently no justification for holding an extraordinary session of the resigned government, because that is a violation of the constitution, and he refuses – as confirmed by those familiar with his position – to incur such a violation.

And even the criminal audit file does not currently require an emergency session, in Diab’s approach, because Finance Minister Ghazi Wazni is negotiating with “Alvarez & Marsal | On the possibility of resuming his mission and returning to the contract signed with him, “but if this negotiation fails, then it is exclusively possible to convene an emergency session of the government to hire a new company, provided that the governor of the Banque du Liban, Riad Salameh, undertakes to implement the decision and deliver the required information and documents. “

With voices asking to activate the presence of the resigned government, those close to Diab affirm that he assumes his responsibilities and does business as he should, explaining that he comes to the brigades several times a week to preside over meetings and keep up to date with the files, “Los Ministers also continue to come to their offices and carry out their duties, and so it can be said. The Diab government’s pace of business conduct is almost better than the productivity of some previous original governments, and it certainly does not compare to the laziness of those governments after his resignation, as one of their bosses, for example, abstained. even of the minimum accomplishment of business.

From Diab’s point of view, and “instead of asking your government to violate the constitution and resume its meetings, pressure must be put to pressure the stakeholders to accelerate the formation of the new government, to assume its responsibilities, especially since the cost of each day lost is exorbitant. “

He added: “There are those who warn that the resumption of its sessions by the retired government, under this or that pretext, may lead to greater relaxation and delay in finding an alternative, while what is required is to shorten the time lost before the forbidden to happen. “

Those around Diab asserted that “lifting support cannot be accepted at all costs, and that rationalization, not drying up, is acceptable to him.”

Salama informed Diab earlier that he was willing to continue covering the support to the last dollar, but later he backed off this proposition, and when asked by Diab why, he replied that the matter was not entrusted to him alone, but to the council central bank.

According to Diab circles, the cost of using a portion of the reserve to fund the subsidy remains far less onerous than the dire consequences that would result from stopping it entirely. He asked himself: “The alternative to using a percentage of the dollars in the Banque du Liban to alleviate social charges is to distribute it to the depositors, considering it correct? They and part of their savings”? He added: “The bitter answer is no, and therefore this file must be addressed outside of auctions. “
