Diab launched a test balloon introducing Petra Khoury’s name … and Aoun jumped on the Fneish mechanism


Maysam Rizk wrote in the newspaper “Al-Akhbar” under the title “Dismissal of the Appointment Mechanism: No One Gives Up His” Deep State “:” the day after the confusion that finally appeared from the cabinet, after the appointment of an alternative to the Beirut Governor Ziad Shabib and accompanying information on desire Prime Minister replaced him with his health adviser Petra Khoury, the issue of appointments raised the characteristics of a political crisis embodied by the mobilization of faces political and religious, to protect “an orthodox site”.

The “test balloon” launched by Hassan Diab, promoting Khoury, revealed the criteria that will govern the appointments, the mechanism on which they will be based and the actions of the parties in them. However, according to the information, it seems that there is still evasion of the practical application of any unified mechanism for appointments, under the pretext that the minister has constitutional powers and that he has the right to propose to the ministry that he is responsible for filling the vacancies. in first class jobs. This constitutional “right” has long been used by some to disregard a specific mechanism. As long as there are no constitutional amendments, nothing will change.
The appointment mechanism in the state is not a purely administrative or technical matter, but rather the fiercest battle waged by the forces of power. Any mechanism that respects the rules will constitute an obstacle that will prevent these forces from gaining influence within the institutions. If not, what explains the lack of agreement on a unified mechanism ten years ago? Although these same powers, opponents and allies, were able to agree to the end of the parliamentary and municipal elections, an electoral law and appointments (judicial, security and diplomatic) … but they remained “incapable” of approving a mechanism for appointments. This is explained by the fact that the best weapon in which the political forces dominate the system are the administrative positions of the state. And through these positions, the political forces were able to build their “deep states” within the institutions, in accordance with the sectarian and sectarian divide, in a way that allowed them to tighten their control, even if it fell outside the government.
Last week, the information indicated a close agreement on the adoption of the mechanism that was implemented by former Minister Mohamed Fneish in 2010 and agreed by the government at the time. However, with the amendments made in accordance with the deadlines stipulated in the proposed law to amend the mechanism in the first category in public administrations, and in accordance with the amendments made by the Administration and Justice Committee headed by Representative George Adwan. But President Michel Aoun surprisingly ended the cabinet session yesterday by jumping on this mechanism, as it gave ministers the right to put one or more names in the cabinet at any future appointment, from outside the mechanism. Aoun said that “the minister has the right, according to the constitution, to choose who is the right one and, consequently, he is the one who decides and has the right to implement the mechanism discussed by the Ministerial Committee (chaired by President Hassan Diab) and works on the amendments. ” But will ministers follow the mechanism as long as they are free to choose? Ministerial sources say that “there is an understanding among the ministers on this matter, and there is a conviction that it is necessary to return to the mechanism, and for this reason a committee was formed to discuss it.” But this understanding is still a “verbal agreement”, which is not binding, which means that any minister can omit the mechanism at any time they want. “To read the full article Press here.
