Devastating effects of early depression, leading to premature death


Last Updated: 10 – Dec – 2020 9:35 am

Depression is one of the most dangerous mental illnesses that affect children, and its effects can extend throughout the years of their life, and some children become depressed, negatively affecting their interests, social activities, family life, school performance and others.

A Swedish study revealed that people who are diagnosed with depression early in life, between the ages of 5 and 19, have a six-fold risk of premature death, compared to others who did not suffer from this psychological state .

During the study, researchers followed a segment of about 1.48 million people to observe a link between childhood or adolescent depression and poor health in the same people as they grew older.

Although the study revealed a 14-fold increase in death from self-harm, which is likely also related to depression, the researchers found that those who suffered from mental disorders as children were more likely to experience dozens of serious illnesses in the future.

The study found that depression was one of the most common mental disorders among children and adolescents.

According to the study, about 2.8 percent of children between the ages of 8 and 13 suffer from depression.

The percentage rose to 5.6 percent for the age group between 14 and 18 years old.

According to the researchers, this is the largest study of its kind, looking at the relationship between mental health in youth and physical health in adults.

The study defined depression at an early age as a condition for receiving at least one diagnosis of depression in patients between the ages of 5 and 19.

The study linked childhood depression, substance abuse, atherosclerosis, early cardiovascular disease, and premature death.
