Determine the US part of the drug “Remdisfer” … and start distributing it to the states


The U.S. administration announced Saturday the start of distribution of the drug Remedisfer, the only drug that received federal approval to treat people with Covid-19 disease caused by the emerging coronavirus.

The Office of Preparedness and Response of the US Assistant Secretary of Health. USA He said in a press release that it would benefit “the country most affected by the epidemic” resulting from the emerging Corona virus.

The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has authorized the use of REMDESIVER in emergencies to treat patients with the disease, but experiments with its effectiveness are still ongoing.

A statement from the Health Ministry said Saturday that since May 7, it had begun sending shipments of the drug to various states, and the numbers indicate differences in actions that will go to each state.

The statement says the manufacturer committed to providing about 607,000 vials of experimental medicine over the next six weeks to treat some 78,000 patients in the United States, noting that this amount is within 1.5 million vials that the company will donate to the world.

The ministry statement said it was up to the state health departments to distribute the doses to hospitals “because they are more aware of their needs.”

The ministry expects all 50 states and territories to receive shipments of the drug in the future.

The company’s CEO, Daniel Oday, had previously said it would work to ensure it was available worldwide, noting that he would work with international partners to expand its production.
