“Delaying the formation of the government exposes the hidden”.


Deputy Ziad Al-Hawat considered that what is happening in terms of delaying the formation of the government reveals the hidden, and therefore after almost 15 months of the Lebanese revolution and after all the economic, financial, social deterioration political, moral, vital and health that the Lebanese live, you have the right to know who is obstructing training and preventing the start of reforms. You have the right to know who are the “bats” of the night, as they were called, who seek to abort and abandon all rescue and reform initiatives from the French initiative to the efforts of Sayed Bkerke, Patriarch Mar Beshara Boutros Al-Rahi.

In a statement, Al-Hawat asked Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri to “present the government draft to the public and tell the Lebanese the truth that accompanied the government formation process. The President of the Republic, General Michel Aoun must explain to the Lebanese the reasons for the contract and specify who is responsible, underlining that it is the right. Every Lebanese should know who the real obstacle to the composition process is, be it Hezbollah, the president of the republic and his party, the designated president or others, or any foreign body, because the exorbitant bill that results from each day of delay in completing the training is paid only by the Lebanese people and no one else.

Al-Hawat asked the President of the Republic and the President-designate, “to assume their national responsibilities, considering that we are heading towards a greater and unknown disaster, inevitable if the government of rescue specialists is not released quickly.”

He concluded by saying: “What we are experiencing today threatens the existence and the entity and what remains of the Lebanon’s formula. There is no solution but to tell the whole truth, put the finger on the wound, act with national responsibility and break families.”
