Deep Lebanese concern over losing a role


Deep Lebanese concern over losing a role

Hanna Saleh wrote in Asharq Al-Awsat:

Along with the announcement of the signing of a peace agreement between the United Arab Emirates and Israel, and then between Bahrain and Israel, and what was promoted in the media about the intention to link the port of Haifa with the countries of the Gulf, via a railroad in the near future, and that the Gulf tourism movement is undergoing a transformation … The talk in Beirut about Lebanon has lost its historic role in favor of other countries, and that its destination is a further aggravation and deterioration, and it is no longer on the agenda of international organizations!

This image took place and is being reinforced by a forceful event that is the most dangerous in Lebanon’s history. The war crime that targeted Beirut on August 4 meant that the port and nearly half of the city were destroyed and citizens lost security after death broke into their homes. To complete the picture after Beirut was deprived of its port for the first time since the Phoenicians, the scene prompted an authoritarian refusal, driven by Hezbollah, not to go to an international investigation that reveals the truth and the path to justice for the victims. , the capital and Lebanon, which raised questions about the discretionary handling of justice.
The funny thing is that the UN investigation was rejected once on the pretext that the international investigation is a waste of time (…), and again and again because the government system had previously determined that the required investigation would determine the extent of the negligence and clerical errors, after he excluded hypotheses that spoke of an Israeli attack on a Hezbollah weapons depot. Amber No. 12 dawned, where thousands of tons of “ammonium nitrate” were illegally stored. International events and trials from Argentina to Bangkok, Bulgaria, New York and Germany confirmed the existence of a link in the womb between “ammonium nitrate” and “the party”!
This lost paper speech was presented to the other, after it had long been established in mind that Lebanon, thanks to its free parliamentary system, was an oasis of freedom and democracy. With distinction in the medical field … and with the thriving port and international airport, Beirut was teeming with business and media expats. Many of them took it as their residence, which accelerated its transformation into a space of economic concentration, based on advanced services and population opening accompanied by an improvement in the standard of living and an elaborate hotel equipment, for which the famous Hotel Phenicia will host the Miss Europe election ceremony. On an artistic level, Beirut and Lebanon formed the best “plateau” of Egyptian cinema, and from Beirut Umm Kulthum used to release some of her songs.
Mohammed bin Rashid, the ruler of Dubai, says that in the 1960s he wished for the Beirut experience to be repeated in Dubai. But Beirut, and with it Lebanon, was charged more than it could bear, beginning with the Cairo Accord in 1969, when the relinquishment of sovereignty phase began. For the first half of the 1970s to witness an expansion of prosperity, with the onset of waves of extremism, weaponry and rivalry, and the widening gap in shared power among cult leaders, Lebanon would enter a war civil that would have been overcome if it had stopped responsibly in the face of the events of May 1973 with the rehearsal of the next war.
The ambitions were great and mixed with many local and regional factors, the first of which was the visionary absence of those who held power, and sectarian affiliations advanced and the picture was completed to start the civil war, on April 13, 1975. But the civil peace after 1990 and after the Taif Agreement was never a complete declaration of the end of this war. … Lebanon lost in 2000 the opportunity for a complete peace, because despite the imposition of withdrawal on Israel, and the designation of May 25 as a day of liberation, it found, under pressure from the Syrian regime, excuses to maintain to the “Hezbollah” militia, which from 2005 began to transform into a state within a state that moves according to the agenda Prescribed by the Iranian leadership!
The war lost Beirut and Lebanon much of the role that it had, in turn, the educational system began to age, and the most dangerous thing was the decline of secondary (pre-university) education, and this was reflected in university education, which began to expand. The expansion and prosperity of the banking sector was not a sign of a health problem. Rather, senior bankers began to move from the banking sector to the world of moneylenders and technological progress was delayed, until Lebanon abandoned the last branches of international banks and the number of international airlines decreased, especially with the bitterness of the international banks. kidnappings of foreigners, Arabs and Lebanese opponents. Once to ask for a ransom and once to open a negotiating niche that serves the interests of a regional party.
The rebuilding process was not as robust as expected, and the gamble disappointed that Beirut’s center, the “Solidere,” would recruit investors and restore the old world of entrepreneurs. It seemed like a city within the city that did not have a solid relationship with the rest of the capital, and the political structure failed, which is the pure juice of the war alliance and the money militia lords. From the realization of any profit to the expected role of Beirut after September 11, 2001 and later after the fall of Baghdad in 2003!
However, the last decade remains the most dangerous in terms of losing its role and status, associated with the performance of a corrupt subordinate system that is far less than the wealth and potential of the Lebanese. Since the invasion of Beirut on May 7, 2008, the Doha Agreement, and the beginning of the government, the era of heresy as a substitute for the constitution: from the heresy of the “obstructing third party” in government to the “preferential vote” in the 2018 elections that strongly fueled sectarianism, and among them the agreement to elect General Aoun, Hezbollah’s candidate. President … a period in which the embers of sectarianism raged and sectarian differences expanded, and it became a normal matter for parliament to be closed and the first presidency vacant for 30 months, and the appointment of a guardian or commissioner it became an embarrassment that stirs up differences and threatens to topple a fragile unit. Gradually, the former role of Lebanon was diminishing and absent, and the phenomenon of corruption spread with the rise of the world of monopoly cartels from banks to shredders and waste and expansion of pollution, and the most dangerous state It was to hijack the state and turn Lebanon into a platform of aggression against the region to support the plans of the opposition.
The October 17 Revolution opened up a wide range of energies, broke sectarian alignments and united the Lebanese, but has not yet been able to formulate a political alternative. On the other hand, the authority seemed to have lost its eligibility and its legitimacy fell. And if the August 4 crime had incurred in Beirut, then it wiped out the authority, forcing it to accept a French initiative to establish a “major government” from outside the entire system that would handle the brake on the collapse. Hizbullah soon turned against him in response to Tehran’s decision, thinking that the resentment was absorbed. That was generated after the bombing of the port! The country is in a bottleneck and an “important government” is a step in the right direction to isolate the ruling mafia, and insisting on international investigation is a critical step, while insisting on truth and justice. It is a doorway to begin recovery and fairness, and it is a long and risky journey, and moving in the direction of achieving these conditions is what will determine the role that Lebanon can play based on the rich knowledge and humanity that characterizes it. .
