Death threats haunt Lebanese artist Qamar and her son


Qamar continued: “You do not believe that you are living in a forest that we have or that we take advantage of. The world is dishonest in it, be it the situation of the crown or the state of the problems in Lebanon. Make sure you will not miss the most This is the story that follows what was saved and you were not free from my life or crown, nor Ramadan, and I don’t want the whole world to collapse, nor do you see that they are the people who die of Corona disease, and that follows death by starvation … All that follows is what happens without you.
The Lebanese artist indicated that she has been receiving death threats for 7 months from specific people in Canada, Syria and another person in Lebanon, adding: “By God, there are many people who follow what happens to me with my uncle, who deals with the circumstances, following what we live and unfortunately, not at that time … Now I have 7 months to live, it’s something … If I got Liat and Stein from the reward, she follows me to Canada and the obsessive psychologically obsessed still in Syria … and the other madman follows Lebanon and the beauty of Marwan who supports tenants with money is no longer a job or a worker other than Qamar and Ibn Qamar.
Qamar had married the Egyptian businessman, Gamal Marwan, and appealed to the Egyptian judiciary in 2010, and filed a claim to demonstrate the proportions of his son against Marwan, the owner of the “Melody” channels at the time, with the support of her marriage card, and demanded that she perform a DNA analysis, but refused to carry out the analysis, alleging that he did not marry her.
