Death Leaves Syndicate Gas Station Owners, Sami A. | Phalanges


The Corona virus continues to claim lives in Lebanon and the captain of the gas station owners, Sami Al-Braks, has been kidnapped.

The Captain of the Gas Station Owners Union in Lebanon and Mukhtar Hosh Al Zaraana – Zahle Sami Al-Baraks missed his death due to complications from his infection with the coronavirus.

His nephew Walid Al-Baraks mourned him on his Facebook page with touching words, for which he wrote:

“For the first time, I find my pen dry and rough, I sharpen its output and beg you to try to describe a man I would like to talk about, as I will not deny him his right.”

If you like it, I told you about the chosen one, and if you like the father, the uncle, the friend, the lover, or whatever you want, he was a rare man, unique in his qualities, his treatment and his character.

Oh dear … I will not forget that you are taking responsibilities with sophistication and sobriety,

Fit for your positions.

How can I forget his reception and his usual word to me: “You are leaning on a mountain of conscience, afraid of anything”.

You taught us everything except being without you. You taught us courage, confrontation and defiance of difficulties, but you did not teach us to be without you.

Sami Berks, Mukhtar of Hosh Al-Zaraanaa, your love for the people of your region remained until the last breath, and the people of Hosh loved you until the last breath.

Sami Berks, captain of the station owners union in Lebanon, for the last minute, and you are the bearer of the union’s concerns.

