Dear viewer, “Al-Dahih” is back!


“Dear viewer, look for the sources”, with this phrase, Ahmed Al-Ghandour, known as “Al-Duhah”, addressed his fans on YouTube and Facebook, investigating more than 236 episodes, almost 750 million views.

From a messy studio that resembles the bedroom of a young college student, the Egyptian “YouTuber” began in 2014 by showing short episodes on his own channel. These videos achieved great success with simple capabilities, before moving to the AJ + platform in 2017, which was a qualitative leap for him, as the Qatari network provided him with tools. She helped increase its success and through which she presented a more professional version of the show.
Al-Dahih managed to achieve the difficult equation, which is to simplify science and present it fluently to non-specialists. He was able to bring complex science topics to the largest segment of the social media audience in a comedic context.
Thus, the graduate of the American University of Cairo moved in the style of “easy abstention” between scientific, political, cultural and sports content … and presented to the audience stories about the greatest personalities of ancient history and the it was modern, in a simple, ironic way and far from exaggerating.
After three years of dealing with the AJ + platform, the latter announced last June that it had stopped publishing the “Duhah” program, for reasons it described as productivity.
The news shocked the followers of the program and a state of sadness was imposed on social networks. Until the Egyptian content creator announced that he had moved to the Saudi platform “Shahid”, to present there his new program: “The Duhah Museum” of Shahid’s original works.
The idea of ​​the program revolves around a wax museum that includes statues of world famous people. In an imaginative way, the statues wake up at night to find the “libertine” himself among the greats of history, and each night he meets a new character, and the story repeats itself in a comic and ironic template.
The return of “Al-Duhah” constitutes a new artistic vision made with enormous capacities and budgets, and adds a dramatic dimension to Egyptian “YouTuber” work.
As soon as the first episode of the show is shown, the hashtag # Al-Dahih will be published as a trending list as the most popular topic on Twitter.
However, the transfer of the (biology graduate) to a payment platform caused many negative reactions. The person who raised the slogan of “the popularization of science” today requires his audience (mostly middle and lower class) to pay money and a monthly subscription in exchange for viewing, so he moved away from the owner of a creative initiative A media product bought by media networks with more money.
Many questions have also been raised about the possibility of Ahmed Al-Ghandour continuing his previous success with a paid platform that may lose a large share of followers, mainly for financial reasons, and due to the different audience of the “Shahid” platform, who is older and has artistic and dramatic interests.
The “correct” movement between two contradictory camps sparked a discussion about the real reasons for terminating his contract with the Qatari organization “Al-Jazeera” and his transfer to the Saudi MBC network.
The host of the program (26 years old) knew how to intelligently separate the trends of the AJ + platform, which belongs to Al Jazeera politics, and the content of his program, which earned him the respect of the public despite the rejection of many of those who offers the Qatari Foundation.
Will Al-Duheeh succeed in his new adventure and preserve the value of his program away from politicization, while being ranked as one of the most influential people in the Arab world?
Many questions revolve around the power of the giant platforms of traditional media institutions over content creators through new media, as they found themselves between two fires: the ability to resist and continue without a productive party, and their ability to achieve the independence of the policies of the institutions that produce their work.
