Data as a fundamental material in the construction of decisions … and judgments


In recent times, the word data has been discussed and supported by critical decision-making positions, and has also been observed in many speaker forums. The reason, in fact, is due to the central, pivotal and decisive role (which is not certain, unless its conditions and conditions are met), that this data plays in multiple articulations of life.

An example of this is the Corona pandemic and the effort made locally and internationally to create treatment outlets as a systematic extrapolation of the data indicating the movement of this virus and its satisfactory projections. What is meant is the data obtained by tracking and monitoring outbreak and spread routes, and an indication of epidemiological effects and influences (we will soon publish an academic thesis that integrates our work on monitoring changing entities with cognitive extrapolation in the interest of focused artificial intelligence).
The other example considered is what the Special Tribunal for Lebanon turned to not long ago, and since the verdict was rendered on the issue of the St. George bombing, which killed the “martyr of the fatherland”, the First Minister Rafic Hariri, ruled a crime that was based primarily (as it appears and is shown) on data. Telecommunications
A third example of the centrality of data, which we have published (as scientific research in international refereed conferences) as articles for our scientific project on the establishment of an “information platform” related to preventive insurance for a country like Lebanon. What is intended here is to go on to develop a possible working design that aims to collect data from all sides (that is, from each window where the wind comes from …), that is, data to monitor crossings and all the facilities, communications data and its branches, including social networks, data banks, data. Hospitals, etc. … Towards access to the world of Big-Data and cybersecurity and their combination, and the maximum benefit.
Going back to the bottom, what is implicit here in this single word “data” is the adoption of ways of using it to extract “knowledge” resources that are a constructive argument for many of the purposes. If we go back in any way to reading the data that is central, then the insider and the connoisseur of the whereabouts of the issues are aware that the scope of this data is critical material in terms of “originality of construction” and composition. Likewise, it is emerging as a reputable reference material that is frequently consumed by departments and agencies that are responsible for identifying strategic and articulated options.

The person who is informed and knows the whereabouts of all matters is aware of the extent to which this data is considered critical material in terms of “construction originality” and composition.

Yes, what is meant here is the adoption of analytical – exploratory methods, which use precise and complex algorithms (internalizing artificial intelligence tools) for a significant amount of “data” accumulated towards Big-Data, in order to illuminate the patterns of patterns (groups), from cognitive extracts that must be conditionally homogeneous. And entity in the middle. It goes without saying that the flowering of this type of inductive analysis methods was in the 1990s, when data accumulated dramatically as a result of mechanization and technological development adopted in departments and institutions, which which led, in our current time, to the explosion of the use of social networks (social media). The mediation mechanisms until then (1990s) were mainly collective and collective, and lack in-depth inductive analysis, so they are no longer sufficient and meet emerging needs. Hence the appearance of inductive analytical mechanisms aimed at processing reprocessed and qualifying data according to the topic and the circumstance, using mathematical methods – complex algorithms that lead to the emergence of numerous stereotypes – patterns, considered cognitive.
In terms of scientific definition, there is a difference between data, that is, cognitive data and collections of information (information), where the latter is the result of a precise algorithmic treatment of the former, within strict controls and scientific processes. . The information as summary, is used as material of “knowledge” to make or build decisions and judgments. The dependence on data as a source for the construction of cognitive information, that is, the basis of any decision or judgment that is made, assumes the beginning of:
1- The eligibility – the authenticity of the data – to be authentic and reliable in the source and the documented construction.
2 – The diversity of data sources
3- The inclusion of the axes that affect the final knowledge extraction course.
Failure to comply with these remedies (what is meant here is the first item in particular, but is not limited to), exposes the conclusion to weakness and disqualification. In other words, the conclusions that result from unreliable data deny the conclusion that was adopted when constructing a specific judgment or decision, despite the solidity of the scientific path that deals with the data and the source of the information: knowledge. In addition, the conclusions as cognitive-information are not necessarily an absolute final scientific result in all cases, they are considered a summary of the process (a stepped, rationalized and coherent approach), which must be crossed, powerfully, with facts and other knowledge resources originals, so the principle of unawareness of the objective (the extracted result First, the route is definitely editing. It is a well-constructed scientific and logical path.
Therefore, with the possibility of a scientific projection, and regarding the issue of the “buildings” of the sentence issued from The Hague, we say that there are scientific ways and means that, when we invoke them, can give this sentence good illuminations and purposes. . Likewise, it can lead in a parallel effort (as a matter of cognitive intersection) to conclusions and findings that return consideration to the newly exported. Therefore, to preserve the rights of the martyr of the fatherland and seek justice, the esteemed court must endeavor to investigate with high relevance and professionalism, as mentioned above, from the knowledge structures based on the knowledge that establish governance. Today, the court is called, whenever possible, to travel along parallel tracks and not neglect serious and prestigious buildings, which are not new.
Yes, the truth may be elsewhere …

* Academic researcher in data science

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