Damascus … Syrian and Western Media Reveal Details of Visit by US Officials – Al-Binaa Newspaper


Quoted stuff to announce Sirius About Sources Informed Health What The public Newspaper «And the Street diary» About To visit Responsable American people Capital Damascus وكشفت details New About the visit.

وكشفت Sources that Roger Carstins, The envoy The private للرئيس American matters The kidnapped, And cash Patel Assistant President American And director Combat Terror in a Home the target Zara Damascus in a August last And they met Major general Ali Colossal President Office Security the National in a library In damascus وناقشا Basket Large Since Business get pregnant Sentence Since Offers والطلبات.

و .ضافت Sources Which She said Newspaper «Homeland» That Privileged Not Detection About His identity that «this is List the visit First To administrators American people For this level The height And it is Preceded it Three Visits Similary to me Damascus Through Months And years Past».

وبحسب information Confirmed Which I have about his «Homeland» the Damascus Informed Officers The Americans «Not Discussion Neither Cooperative With Washington before search for With a file withdrawal Cash American Occupied Since Oriental Sirius».

as such She rejected it Damascus according to Sources, Debate a file «Kidnaped» The Americans in a Sirius وعلى His head What He said is a Journalist An american Independent he claims Austin Tice «before search for in a Which issue Other»، How Quoted Homeland.

Close information government Sirius that Austin Tice disappear Through conflict Between Groups Extreme in a Ghouta Oriental, وإنه «Collaborator Convinced» With Intelligence American, How mentioned Homeland.

Close «Homeland» Quotation About Sources Sirius that Damascus «Not You trust By visits or Results Potential».

And she was Newspaper «Wal Street diary» mentioned in a Your report The public night Sunday that Responsable in a Home the target Got up Recently To visit Secret to me Damascus Where run Socially With government Sirius.

And she was stuff Flags American, She said Sunday, that «Responsable At home the target Travel to me Damascus To hold Meetings Secret With government Sirius».

وبحسب Newspaper «Wal Street diary»، a necklace Administrator American Meetings Secret With government Damascus, Searching Break free About The citizens American people Two In The minus you think Washington that government Sirius You hold them.

Intervals The newspaper By transfer About Responsable At home the target that «Cash Patel, Larger Responsable About Combat Terror in a Home the target, Travel to me Damascus in a time before Since Year».

she was plus talks known Between Home the target And officials Syrians in a Damascus in a Public 2010. وبعدها I cut the states United relations Diplomacy With Sirius in a Public 2012.

و .مل The officers Americans that Lead to Agreement With government Sirius to me launching Published Austin Tice, journalist Independent Terms before in a pedestrian Navy, disappear in a during Cover it up in a Sirius Public 2012، ومجد Kemalmaz, Processor Sirius An american, disappear in a Public 2017 In Syria, According To the newspaper American.

And she believes Two families «Tice And kamaz»، that «The two men In Restriction Lifetime»، But Responsable Syrians Not Serving Proof Categorically. In Not Reach Conversations With government Sirius to me Hadd far, according to Wal Street diary.

She rejected it Talking Basim Ministry External American commentary In the visit.

And not Answer Officers Home the target In Petitions Comment. as such Not Answer Mission Sirius I have Nations United In stain In Order Comment In the visit, according to The newspaper.

و .شارت The newspaper American Popular Fame, to me that «director Security Year Lebanese, Abbas Ibrahim, he knew in a Home the target With Robert O’Brien, Consultant Security Nationalist للرئيس Donald Triumph, week last, Argue launching Published The Americans Arrested in a Sirius according to People They participated in a Conversations».

و .كدت Newspaper, that Abbas Ibrahim, Action As mediator vital Between the states United And Syria in a Year last. as such is a Help in a Launching About Poisonous Goodwin, the passenger American Which To be held Plus Since two months in a during visit him For Syria, As part Since Tried To visit Each country in a the world.

In Upper Egypt Countryside, taken militia «Qasd» Supported Since Occupation American In Number Since Houses Since accommodation police Neighborhood غويران In Hasaka And demanded Parents Evacuate Their homes وثدت Multiplying In Number Since Woman The residents In which.

Is reported Sources Eligibility That Collection armed Since militia «Qasd» Among them armed They belong For the militia Surrounded Two houses in a accommodation police Neighborhood غويران And unoccupied Their habitants By force وثدت Multiplying And insults In Woman The residents In both For your intent Grab on In their houses And requested the group Since Reminder Civil The habitants Bedroom Evacuate it Under A threat Weapon.

و .ضافت Sources Itself that militia «Qasd» taken in a time before In a lot Since Houses The citizens وخاصة Close Since Sites Not Legality لقوات Occupation American Which Try About Road The militia Emptying Region Since Population. . What it happened With Parents The residents in a meeting Alive Youth Neighborhood Flowers.

To turn off this is Offenses in a Context To complete militia «Qasd» Seizure By force In Buildings government And special Of the citizen in a Sites Launching Cash Occupation American In Party Southern Bearded غويران Where Carried out Through Periods Previous To take over In building Administration the public For syrian For pills in a Neighborhood غويران وبناء The company the public For electricity Hasakah And the city sports وجزء Since Architectures Alive Youth والجمعية Sirius Computing ومديرية Industry والسياحة والشؤون Environmental And branch the traffic ومديرية The record Civil والمصرف Commercial وقامت Expelled personal Since That Buildings.
