Damage to 250 kg of fish caught in Lake Qaraoun!


The Litani River National Authority announced “the confiscation and destruction of some 250 kilograms of fish that were caught in Lake Qaraoun after being seized by the General Directorate of State Security.”

In a statement, it indicated that the fish in Lake Qaraoun are not suitable for human consumption, due to the high levels of pollution in the lake, and fishing from the lake has been banned according to a decision issued by the Minister of Agriculture to authority request.

On the other hand, the authority announced “the seizure and damage to two metal boats destined for fishing from the lake, which were seized by the authority’s surveillance teams.”

The authority warned all consumers of the danger of consuming these fish that are marketed in various markets and farms as river fish, forcing the competent authorities to comply with their duties to protect the health and safety of consumers by preventing the fishing in the lake and preventing the sale of these fish.

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