Curfew is banned in Baskinta because of Corona … and Canaan calls on the Ministry of Health to take immediate action


The Corona virus has spread notably in the town of Baskinta Al-Matniyeh in recent days, where there has been an increase in the number of infections, which has led the president and members of the City Council to make a decision to avoid ambulation unless absolutely necessary.

The deputy Ibrahim Kanaan had communicated, at the request of the mayor and some residents of the region, with the Minister of Health of the interim government, Hamad Hassan, and the apparatus of the ministry, and had received the promise to carry out a campaign of PCR tests in Baskenta in the next two days.
The Mayor, George Alam, issued a statement announcing the following measures:
1- The curfew is prohibited in the city unless it is absolutely necessary.
2- Prevent the resurgence of religious and social festivals and prevent all kinds of public and private encounters.
3- Prevent visits and impose a home commitment.
4- Impose the use of a muzzle when walking, especially in stores, with social distancing.
5- Motorcycles are prohibited.
6- Close all restaurants and snacks, and they are not allowed to operate except ensuring delivery for customers.
7- The Municipal Police, in collaboration with the security forces, will issue complaints about any person who violates these measures and the general procedures imposed.
We must all cooperate to save our city and our people.

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