Crown Lebanon: How long will the number of wounded increase … and what about the deaths?


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The head of the Parliamentary Health Commission, deputy Dr. Assem Araji, said, in a statement he made in the House of Representatives, that “the figures related to the Corona pandemic infection are increasing, yesterday there were 2,056 cases, and this is an indication of the beginning of the increase in the number of injured during the end of December and January “. In my opinion, these increases will last until next February. “

He said: “From here I would like to give an indication of the situation, since I was doing a census on the number of deaths. From November 11 to December 11, the number of deaths reached 433 deaths in a month, which is almost a third of the deaths registered from last March to December 11, which is not a good sign. “

He added: “It is true that the percentage of positive tests decreased in relation to the number of injuries, which was 15 percent and went to 13 percent. Personally, I expect an increase in the number of injuries during the rest of December and in the next two months, that is, January and February, for two reasons. The first is that people are not there The closures that occurred and then the reopening of the country were softened, and it is noted that the majority of citizens have no commitment to preventive measures Corona, from here the fear of serious injuries that require admission to intensive care departments becomes great.

He concluded: “I say a word to the Lebanese, we now have about 470 beds in the intensive care unit, and they make up about 87 percent of the family. Therefore, we must be vigilant in this matter and strictly adhere to the preventive measures recommended by the Ministry of Health to avoid catching this pandemic “.

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