Crown injuries increase in Lebanon … and shake the country’s closure for 48 hours.


The Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper wrote:

The registration of 13 new cases of the “Corona” virus in Lebanon yesterday raised levels of concern about the renewal of the growing series of local cases, prompting the Minister of Health, Hamad Hassan, to stir up renewed and strict procedures, saying that “if the results of Corona virus infections are still high, I will ask Cabinet closes the country for 48 hours.”

Yesterday, the Lebanese Ministry of Health announced that it had registered 13 cases of the virus, bringing the total number of “Covid-19” in the country to 809 cases. The infections are divided into 11 resident cases and 2 arrivals, while there were no new deaths with the virus, so the number of deaths so far has been set at 26 deaths. The ministry indicated that the number of recovery cases reached 234.

The Lebanese Army and the Internal Security and General Security Forces are conducting patrols in various regions, with the aim of implementing the decisions of the Council of Ministers on the commitment of all citizens to the state of public mobilization, staying at home and not leave unless absolutely necessary.

However, Lebanese authorities eased restrictions on movement and economic activities, starting last week, before the number of infected people increased again as incoming planes returned and carried people infected with the virus, In addition to the growth in local figures, knowing that 11 new infections among those that do not arrive are a number, Kabir has not been registered for a single payment in three weeks.

And the press information spoke about the infection of 5 soldiers with the “Corona” virus, since the “LBC” channel cited military sources that confirmed that one of the soldiers serving in the police company of the military court turned out to be infected with the virus and transmitted the infection to several of his military colleagues.

Yesterday, the Minister of Health said: “If the results of the infection with the Corona virus remain high, I will ask the Council of Ministers to close the country for 48 hours.” He noted that the “Corona” ministerial committee decided to reduce the number of trips in the third stage of returned expatriates stranded abroad.

Yesterday, Prime Minister Hassan Diab chaired the meeting of the Ministerial Committee for the Return of Lebanon, and the meeting evaluated the second stage of the return from Lebanon, and was also discussed in the resumption of travel and preparations for the third stage, which It will start in the middle of this month.

Meanwhile, the Army Command – Orientation Directorate announced, in a statement, to extend the period of receiving communications for the neediest families who need help until next Tuesday.
