Covid-19 infection can cause vision loss


Infection with

Scientists at Hofster University in Hempstead, New York, found that the emerging coronavirus can cause a rare infection that leads to vision loss.

Knowridge Science Report reports that in a New York hospital, 3 “Covid-19” patients developed keratitis, and then, against the background of this inflammation, endophthalmitis developed, an inflammation of the inner membranes of the eyeball.

Experts point out that the appearance of 3 cases of purulent endophthalmitis in a short period is a very rare phenomenon, and since it is associated with the “Covid-19” infection, it is necessary to carry out new detailed studies to confirm the cause of these cases.

It should be noted that the three patients were over sixty years old, one of whom died, the second underwent surgery on one eye, and the third lost his vision completely.

Doctors indicate that purulent endophthalmitis is a very rare disease and can be caused by a virus. Symptoms of infection include redness, pain, discharge from the eyes, swollen eyelids, and decreased vision. The development of keratitis in purulent endophthalmitis is a very rare condition. The results of another scientific study showed that in 15 years only 27 cases evolved from keratitis to purulent endophthalmitis.

Experts point out that it is not ruled out that the cause of keratitis is caused by infection with “Covid-19”, but nevertheless, specialists and doctors do not have enough information and evidence to confirm that the emerging coronavirus is the cause of the disease.
