“Covert Operations” … Did Israeli commandos enter Lebanon and attack Hezbollah?


Israel will not stop attacking Iran in Syria and will prevent it from taking over on the one hand and passing weapons and advanced technologies to Hezbollah in Lebanon on the other, the Israeli army spokesman Heday Zilberman announced.

Zilberman said, during his interview with the newspaper “Elaph”, “Hezbollah has begun to possess or seek to possess technological capabilities to disrupt Israeli capabilities and technology and Israel is working to find an answer and a solution to that. He noted that Hezbollah it has ground antagonists, but they do not interrupt the work of Israeli planes in the airspace. ” Lebanese “.

Zilberman explained the fact that if Israel is not bombing weapons in Lebanon, he sees it crossing the red line due to Nasrallah’s threats to respond, saying that “your country does not advertise everything it is doing and knows what the other side except that he evades direct answer, saying Israel knows how to do it. Any Hezbollah weapon or technology is neutralized by military means or otherwise.“.

In the same context, the spokesperson for the Israeli army, Heidai Zilberman, responded to allegations that an Israeli submarine had crossed the Suez Canal bound for the Red Sea and the Arabian Gulf..

Zilberman added that he does not confirm this matter, except that he does not deny that the Israeli navy is operating everywhere, noting that Israeli submarines silently sail to various locations far and near..

He added that the Israeli army operates with complete freedom throughout the Middle East and in countries with which Israel also has no borders, and perhaps beyond..

Zilberman referred to specific undeclared operations of which only a few are known in the military, which are carried out in secret in various regions of the Middle East. .

He noted that “the Israeli army is located where it should be, and that the operations it is carrying out are varied and numerous, from under the table, up and in the middle, as he himself put it. He did not deny entry to a division command in Lebanon, but did not confirm the incident.
