Corona’s transmission on the plane … a surprise that a doctor detonates and talks about “bad equations”


The issue of the Coronavirus continues to cast a shadow over the world in general, especially in terms of transmission of the infection from one person to another, with no treatment or vaccine available.

Several countries have imposed quarantine on their countries in an attempt to reduce the risk of transmission from one person to another, in order to prevent the spread of the virus.

Dr. David Friedman, an infectious disease specialist in the United States, questioned the results of a study that concluded that air travel does not transmit Corona virus infection, stating that it was based on “bad mathematical equations.”

The study, which was announced last week, conducted by researchers affiliated with Boeing, Airbus and Umberware, found that “the risk of transmission of the Corona virus infection is very small.”

The risk of spreading the infection, according to the study, did not exceed 0.003 percent, as 300 tests were performed over a six-month period.

Dr. Friedman had published a study that said “The risk of contracting the virus on flights does not really exist as long as passengers wear masks.”

He noted that despite his findings, the absence of evidence of virus transmission on airplanes does not mean its absence.

Friedman explained that the study announced by the IATA Air Transport Association was misleading, as 44 cases of 144 passengers were reported, considering it as “bad sports”, since it is more like a small percentage of every two billion passengers. travelers, according to the New York Post.

The study by airline researchers had indicated that their study was consistent with Friedman’s findings in his study.

Friedman declined to participate in the IATA presentation on their study and said they wanted me to show what they found, but I objected.

But a study by the US Department of Health’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that it is possible to contract the infection even with these strict precautions on an airplane.

The results of the study, which were published in the US Agency’s “Emerging Infectious Diseases” magazine, were based on research conducted in South Korea by Dr. Song Hwan Bai, on an evacuation flight, which departed from Milan. , Italy, to Seoul, South Korea, in late March.

Researchers found that a female passenger, who was on the plane carrying 290 people, had become infected and may have received it from one of six people who also had the disease and were showing no symptoms.

The passengers had been quickly examined before the flight, using temperature controls, and 11 people with symptoms were excluded.

During the 11-hour flight, strict health precautions were taken, as passengers stood two meters apart during boarding and most passengers wore “N95” masks except at meal times and when using the bathroom. .

On how the virus is transmitted despite these precautions, the study said that “due to the difficulty of transmitting the infection by air due to the high-efficiency filters in the ventilation systems of aircraft, contact with contaminated surfaces or people infected while boarding, moving or getting off the plane can lead to the transmission of the infection. ” .
