Corona’s strange cases … patients leave the hospital, then return to it


When a person is infected with the emerging corona virus, they can enter the hospital for a period and then leave after recovery, and then the suffering will end, but some people soon suffer a setback and return a second or even a third time to the hospital.

According to the “New York Times” newspaper, Chris Long, 54, is one of those who has suffered from “Covid 19” for a long time, knowing that his health was good before the epidemic.

Before becoming infected, Chris cycled thirty miles, three times a week, while attending his doctoral thesis, but his life took a turn.

The man in his fifties had to be admitted to the hospital seven times since last March and as soon as he returned home he was overwhelmed by health problems such as pneumonia, cough and fever.

After 18 days, he secreted an almost green and yellow fluid, in an additional symptom of pneumonia, then his condition improved until he was able to leave the hospital.

Later, the oxygen level in Chris’s body dropped and his heart rate sped up, so he was forced back to the hospital in Michigan and admitted to the intensive care unit for several days.

One year after the virus appeared, repeated studies reveal that many Corona patients are discharged from the hospital and then return to it due to deteriorating health.

Even if people get vaccinated early, the “test” for many people may not end, because they will continue to experience symptoms of varying severity as a result of their previous experience of infection.

Girish Nadkarni, a professor at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, and researcher Anurada Lalla, said they are preparing a study on the wounded leaving the hospital and then entering again.

There is no precise data yet on those who were discharged from the hospital and then returned to it again due to the Corona virus, but in the United States alone, there are those who probably have tens of thousands of similar cases, or perhaps hundreds of thousands, up to now.

According to a study released by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1 in 11 people who were hospitalized for “Covid 19” between March and July of last year returned to the hospital in the two months after their disease. departure.

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