Corona’s numbers have receded a bit … Are there any good signs? Phalanges


The number of coronavirus infections began to decline in Lebanon, about 10 days after the country’s general lockdown.

The newspaper Al-Akhbar indicated that with the return of laboratory tests to detect the Corona virus, yesterday, at their normal rates (more than 11 thousand tests), the new cases of the epidemic registered rates lower than those registered in the first closing days. Last night, the Health Ministry announced the registration of 1,188 new cases (19 expatriates) from 11,837 examinations, while 23 deaths were registered (934 victims in total).
These figures, as assessed by the Corona Monitoring Committee yesterday, indicate a “slight improvement in the number of people infected with Corona.” The committee recommended following the guidelines and methods adopted since the start of the shutdown “to exit the shutdown at the end of next week with acceptable results.” Thus, the commission has ruled out the option to extend the closure, as was customary in recent days, while the commission’s sources ruled out that the closure should also be completed before the scheduled date for the end of this month. Thus, the closure will remain as planned, while sources from the Ministry of Health suggested that the reopening will take place gradually and accurately.
Right now, the need to protect healthcare workers and medical personnel is exacerbated by the increase in the number of injuries among healthcare workers to 1,679, according to the newspaper. And to the doctors who had previously died from the virus, a meeting of doctors yesterday mourned the death of the two doctors, Khalil Saif al-Din and Zafar al-Din, “the martyrs of humanitarian duty against Corona, who rose up during the performance of his professional humanitarian mission (…) ”, demanding that“ financial compensation be provided to the families of the martyrs ”. .
While the focus is on the arrival of the promised vaccine to Lebanon in the first quarter of next year, Public Health Minister Hamad Hassan said, those concerned about the Corona dossier are busy focusing on the importance of getting through this period. with the least possible losses, and not tolerate the issue of infection.
The banner of the tweet from the director of the Government Hospital Rafic Hariri, Firas Al-Abyad, yesterday, was about the death of a young woman after severe respiratory failure after recovering from the Corona virus infection, warning that the virus can have serious complications to long term.

Source: News
