Corona’s emergency data has changed everything!


With French doctors bombarding news in recent days about the emergence of the Corona virus that swept the world in December, France, almost a month before the Ministry of Health announced this, the World Health Organization deemed it not surprising e it urged other countries to investigate any other suspected early cases of infection. The epidemic has claimed more than a quarter of a million people worldwide today.

“This gives a completely new picture of everything,” Christian Lindemeyer, a spokesman for the world body, said in a statement to the United Nations in Geneva, referring to the French reports. “The results help to better understand the possible spread of the Covid-19 virus,” he added.

It was also considered that other early cases may appear from the re-examination of samples.

Additionally, Lindemeyer urged other countries to examine unidentified pneumonia case records in late 2019, saying this would give the world a “newer, clearer picture” of the outbreak.

Notably, a hospital in France reexamined samples from pneumonia patients who had concluded that they had treated a man who had Covid-19 disease on December 27, that is, approximately one month before the French government confirmed the first case in the country.
