Corona’s advice reveals what Salma Hayek is trying to hide from everyone



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All women are always seeking to hide this from everyone, let alone Salma Hayek, who posted a video clip of advice on Corona, who was not trying to hide from everyone.

“Closer Weekly” magazine, which veteran Hollywood star Salma Hayek, 53, has posted a video clip of the live broadcast on the site “Instagram,” and provides advice on the emerging corona virus.

However, what caught his attention was that Salma Hayek showed him what he had been hiding for many years, namely “strands of white hair”.

After the video clip, he posted a photo of Salma Hayek clearly showing off those white locks.

Salma Hayek wrote in these images: “Be proud of your roots”, and wrote at the end of the section “The Silver Wolf” in reference to the white threads.

And Salma Hayek’s publication received more than 490,000 likes, after many of her followers expressed their solidarity with her and were not ashamed of the appearance of white hair tufts with their heads.

And Colombian actress of Lebanese descent, Salma Hayek, said she appeared this way to advise on the importance of not worrying about going to hair salons or hair salons for fear of spreading the Corona infection.

Overall, many celebrities have been featured in their posts in recent weeks with less stylish hairstyles than before.
