Corona virus in Lebanon … Good news from the Minister of Health!


The Minister of Health in the interim government, Hamad Hassan, said: “Our circumstances are special in Lebanon and we made the decision to close the general closure for two weeks because we started in the winter season with the accompanying“ influenza ”and we must secure more beds in hospitals and at the same time reduce the number of Corona. “.

He added, in a joint conference with the Minister of Information, Manal Abdel Samad: “We are on a par with increasing the preparedness of official medical institutions to face the spread of Corona in light of the failure of private hospital institutions,” and noted that “Corona’s injury rate decreased slightly this week, and staying home has several benefits.” .

He revealed that “we walk with confident steps in overcoming Corona, which through beneficial treatment or a vaccine, and Lebanon, despite its economic conditions, managed to reserve the required percentage to protect the most vulnerable groups.”

He noted that “our society is young, and this reduces the mortality rate to 0.5%, but the mortality rate for the elderly has reached 6%, which is a high rate.”

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