“Corona virus antibodies” … This is what the chief scientist of the “Health Organization” announced!


Sumiya Swaminathan, chief scientist at the World Health Organization, announced that less than 10% of the world’s population has developed antibodies against the coronavirus and that vaccination is the only way to achieve herd immunity.

In an interview released by the organization on “Twitter”, Swaminathan stated that the World Health Organization is following studies that analyze sources of infection in some cities of the world, noting that although the results of the investigation sometimes show that at least the half of the The city’s population has antibodies. For the coronavirus, this does not allow us to talk about achieving herd immunity.

Swaminathan said: “The World Health Organization is following these serological epidemiological studies. In the last census, there were about 500 of them. If we look at them together, it is clear that less than 10% of the world population has antibodies against this virus. “

Likewise, he indicated that “undoubtedly foci were found in places such as densely populated urban areas, in which between 50 and 60% of the population was exposed to the impact of the virus and had antibodies, however, this does not mean that an entire city, province, state or country achieved herd immunity. “.

The WHO chief expert explained that when people who do not have antibodies leave such a population area, they remain vulnerable to infection, emphasizing that the only way to achieve herd immunity on a global scale is through vaccination.

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